Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

    Jiang Xun thought that Jiang Ling would fight for life and refuse to marry, but did not expect that she would agree so quickly? Her reaction made Jiang Xun feel not much pleasure in revenge, but only aggrieved.

    He asked again unwillingly: "Marry the barbarian vassal, sister, have you thought about it?"

    Jiang Ling glanced at him and laughed sarcastically: "Don't you just want me to get out? I Just satisfy you!" She was so angry that she cried and ran out.

    As soon as she walked out of the old princess' courtyard door, she shouted with joy in her heart: Complete the task, get off work quickly.

    Leaving behind all those who have their own thoughts.

    Jiang Ling agreed so readily, not struggling, not rolling around, this demeanor seemed to be how vicious he was targeting Jiang Ling, seeing Aunt Xue and the princess looking at him with a hint of displeasure, he couldn't help but He opened his mouth to defend himself: "I'm also thinking about the palace. If my sister is willing, it will be a good thing."

    "Damn! That's your own sister! If you do this, you will kill your sister!" The old princess cursed bitterly.

    Jiang Xun: ...

    Aunt Xue couldn't help shedding tears: "There is nothing to eat or drink in the wild land in the frontier, and there is no one to serve. She is a girl, if she is married In the past, how can I live in the future? Xun'er, you are really going too far."

    Jiang Xun: "But my sister has exposed our palace to danger. She is trying to kill Yingluan. If I don't do this. If you do, the emperor will definitely blame the palace. I am also helpless."

    "But if you do this, isn't it the same as killing her?" The old princess asked heartbroken.

    Her only daughter was married to the wild, and she couldn't accept it.

    At this time, Xiao Yingluan had already left the old princess' yard.

    Jiang Xun chased after him, Xiao Yingluan heard the footsteps behind, paused, turned her head to look at him: "Satisfied?"

    Jiang Xun pursed her lips and said nothing.

    "Don't think I can't see your thoughts. Even if she gets married, I won't like you."

    Jiang Xun became anxious: "Why are you beating yourself up like this? She obviously doesn't love you. Besides, it's not I forced her to marry, she was willing to marry."

    Jiang Ling didn't say a word of resistance, everyone could see it.

    Xiao Yingluan's face sank for a while, thinking of what Jiang Ling said to the pig in the yard that day, she frowned, Jiang Ling said, she will get married sooner or later, she will definitely get married .

    Hands clenched.

    Turn away.


    a month later, the palace is going to hold a happy event again. This time, the event is more complete than the last time. After all, Jiang Ling did not marry as the princess, but as a princess who was proclaimed by the emperor. The emperor also brought his concubine to the scene to congratulate, and the ministers sent congratulatory gifts one after another.

    But with such a grand occasion, the people in the palace were not happy.

    Although Jiang Ling is usually unpleasant, arrogant and rude, and acts of mischief, but when it was Jiang Ling's turn to marry and go to the frontier, the old man in the house still felt a little distressed for the princess who had grown up. The old princess and Concubine Xue looked at Jiang Ling, who was wearing a red wedding dress, and wiped away their tears in distress.

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