Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

    After buying the candy man, Ming Hua was still thinking about the sweet-scented osmanthus cake that Jiang Ling had promised her before, and dragged her hand around her to buy it. Jiang Ling had no choice but to answer her. It's just that Minghua bought a lot of things, and Jiang Ling's one hand could not hold it, so she had to put Xiao Siluan down and let her go by herself, so that she could free up her hand to carry things.

    But as soon as he put the child on the ground, the child's face changed, his eyes stared straight at her, very displeased, his hands were still on her neck, and there was no intention of letting go.

    "Si Luan is good, senior sister wants to carry something, so she can't have her hands to hold you."

    "Let her carry it by herself, and you hold me." The

    child pointed at Minghuan and said coldly.

    Minghua also had something on her hands, but it was much less than Jiang Ling's. She retorted unconvincingly: "Then you don't have legs? Can't walk by yourself? You're nine years old, and you still have to be held by someone when you go out.

    " Si Luan looked at her coldly.

    There was a faint anger on the little face, and the spiritual power on the body was surging again, this time the spiritual power fluctuated so much that even Minghua could feel it. She was slightly absent-minded, pointing at Xiao Siluan in disbelief: "You..."

    The current plot is not enough to reveal the identity of Siluan's Phoenix Fairy Beast, let alone let the heroine know the noble identity of the heroine, otherwise there will be no girl behind. Deserving of a scene of resentment due to jealousy. Moreover, people come and go in Huahui, and it is not good if people find out the huge spiritual power in Xiao Siluan's body, which will lead to danger.     Jiang Ling hurriedly protected Xiao Siluan and comforted her: "Okay, alright, I'll hold it. Let's do it, Siluan, you help senior sister carry some things, and senior sister will hug you, okay?"     Xiao Siluan turned his head: "No. Help. Whoever's things will be carried."     Jiang Ling & Ming Hua: ...     Jiang Ling had no choice but to tie some small things to Jiang Xiaoruan's body and let them carry them, while other items were carried by himself with one hand , the other hand has to hold the little ancestor who is ready to get angry at any time.

    Jiang Xiaoruan scolded: I am a cat and not a donkey, you tied so many things to me! Which cat have you seen carrying things out of the house?

    Jiang Ling: Do you still want to complete the task to retire? If you don't want to, you will throw things in the face of the female partner.

    Jiang Xiaoruan: ...

    Jiang Xiaoruan's cat face is full of resentment, and Jiang Ling's heart is full of bitterness. On the one hand, she wants to take care of the female supporting role according to the plot, and on the other hand, it can improve her retirement life in the future. The gold owner of N happiness points.

    She doesn't offend anyone.

    If the main system now tells her that she can be reckless and all expenses will be reimbursed by the bureau in the future, and she doesn't need to take care of female supporting roles in this world, then she will immediately drop her hand and quit.

    Migrant workers are really hard, but they can't show it.

    After finally dragging her family to a small stall selling sweet-scented osmanthus cakes, Ming Hua's eyes lit up instantly.

    There is no sweet-scented sweet-scented osmanthus in this season, so these pastries are made of glutinous rice flour and red bean paste, just seasoned with sweet-scented sweet-scented sweet-scented sweet-scented osmanthus stuffed last year.

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