Chapter 2

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The maid dressed me up in one of the hideous dresses I found in the closet. It took all of my willpower to not make a disgusted face at the dress. It was an awful combination of bright green and pink accents. The lace on the back made everything super itchy, but I sucked it up for the sake of appearing as if I was still Corvalia.

The maid sat me in front of the dresser and started brushing my hair.

I cleared my throat and asked, "Ummmmm... What am I doing today?"

"Today is the first day of your schooling," the maid said, as she tugged up a knot in my hair.

I winced and asked, "What subjects will I be learning?"

"Did you forget already," she asked. "You just received your schedule yesterday. It should be on your desk. Your lessons start in 40 minutes. Please come out for breakfast soon."

She finished with my hair and bowed before leaving the room. As soon as the door closed, I jumped out of the chair and ran to the desk. I looked over the papers on the desk, but I couldn't understand the language written on it.

Suddenly, I felt my head hurt, and memories flashed through my mind. These were all of Corvalia's memories!

It felt weird, suddenly living years worth of life in just an instant inside of my mind. The characters still felt somewhat foreign to me, but I could understand them regardless.

Math, Literature, and History I thought as I looked at the paper. The most boring subjects ever.

I sighed to myself, knowing that I probably wouldn't be able to learn anything interesting in these lessons. However, now that I had Corvalia's past memories, I would have an easier time pretending to act like her. I had to get the trust of all of my siblings to be able to escape from this family.

Luckily, my father, or Corvalia's father, hadn't yet told his children that there would be a fight to become the heir of the family. That would probably happen in the future, since Corvalia had recently celebrated her seventh birthday last month. The start of the battle wouldn't begin until Corvalia was already ten years old. 

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