Chapter 66

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"Thank you again, Lady Corvalia. I truly appreciate doing business with you," Alex said as he shook my hand.

"You are welcome, Alexander," I replied. "Amanda, can you send me a letter telling me what day your wedding is on? I would love to give you a gift to celebrate your union."

Alex looked a little confused.

"How did you know about our relationship?" he asked, as I guided the two outside.

I laughed a bit before answering.

"Just based off the way you two looked at each other."

"Thank you for the offer, Lady Corvalia, but you don't need to gift us anything," Amanda replied, bowing her head in thanks.

"It's alright. I want to do this for you two, since you've helped me out." Before they could reply again, I changed the topic. "The servants have prepared your carriages, along with the clothes."

After our business was done, I had the dresses all placed onto a carriage so that Alexander and Amanda didn't have to carry them by hand back to his shop, which would be ridiculous.

We finally finished our goodbyes, and I waved back at Amanda from her window in the carriage.

When I returned back into the house, Kai and Kira were standing there.

"Umm... Thank you for the clothes," Kira said, while fiddling with her dress.

"That's my job as your older sister." My chest swelled in pride and satisfaction. "Did you two wait here for me just to say thank you?"

"We were wondering if you were ever going to make a new kind of bread," Kai responded.

Since I had been so busy for the past few weeks, I hadn't had time to experiment in the kitchens.

"I don't think I can come up with anything new off the top of my head right now," I shook my head.

I'd need to do some more planning to get the ingredients correct.

"But if you want, you can come to my room, and I'll tell you about all of the different ideas I have!"

The twins looked at each other with wide eyes, before nodding at me.

"Follow me then."

I led them back to my room, and instructed them to sit on my bed after taking off their shoes.

As they settled down, I grabbed my notebook from my desk along with a pen, before joining the two.

This is a good chance to list some more desserts to make. What should I start with...

"Hmmm... My first idea is something I call, shaved ice. You take a big block of ice, cut it super thin with a knife, then you put a bunch of different toppings on it like fruit, milk, sugar, syrup, jam, anything you want. It's the perfect treat for the summertime because it's nice and refreshing."

The twins nodded along to every word of my rambles as I frantically scribbled as fast as I spoke.

"...I also want to make glutinous rice flour, which can in turn be used to make a bunch of different treats. You use the flour to make a ball, which can then be wrapped around any type of filling you want..."

My unabated rambles soon got the twins in a talkative mood as well, as they started chiming in with their own suggestions for toppings. Though they of course had a limited knowledge of ingredients, hearing the input was a nice change since they were always quite shy.

Just having this conversation improves my mood. I can't wait to see them taste some of these desserts. I think their minds will be blown. 

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