Chapter 71

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"Can you pass me a metal spoon?" I asked Lionel.

When the beans were just about done cooking, I closed the book and started separating the dough into equally sized round balls and flattening them out to later wrap them around the filling.

"Where's the spoons?" Lionel asked, pausing from roughly mashing the red beans.

"Uhh, in the drawer to your right," I replied.

He opened the drawer. "Which spoon do you need?"

"One of the metal ones, medium sized."

Lionel handed it over as I laid one of the flat pieces of dough onto my hand. I took the spoon and scooped up some of the thick strawberry sauce, dolloping it into the center of the dough. I set the spoon down and carefully wrapped the dough back into a ball, taking care not to let any of the filling spill over the side.

When I finished wrapping it, I said, "Lionel, say 'Ahhh...'"

He opened his mouth and I popped the rice ball into his mouth and he started chewing on it. He spent a while chewing, probably because the rice was sticky, so in that time I made another piece for myself and savored the taste of the strawberries.

So yummy... Next time I should try and add a little bit of sugar to the rice dough to enhance the flavors a bit.

"It's so sticky!" Lionel exclaimed, after he finished his piece.

"Yeah, but that's what makes it unique I guess," I shrugged. "Does it taste good?"

"It's not as sweet as the other strawberry jam you made," he said. "I like it that way though. I don't think I like the taste of too much sugar."

"That's fair, everyone has different taste buds," I replied, while shoving another piece of mochi into my mouth.

I checked on the red bean paste that Lionel was mashing.

"This looks good now. I don't plan on making a smooth paste so this should be a good enough consistency."

I took the bowl and started filling up the red bean paste as well.

Lionel took a piece, and his eyes widened as he started chewing.

"Dis one ish way better!" he exclaimed, mouth still full.

"I agree! Red bean paste is so yummy."

Lionel and I worked together on filling the rest of the dough. I ended up having more filling than I needed, so I scooped them into jars and tightly sealed them so that I could make some more the next day.

"I'm gonna borrow this book and finish it first," Lionel said, as we were walking down the hall with our plate filled with mochi.

He was carrying the two books I grabbed from the library, and holding up that northern Duke book we read together.

"Okay, just give it to me when you're done. I want to read the other one, just to see if it's any good."

"I'll bring it to your room then," he said, as we continued down the hall to our bedrooms.

A/N: Idk why, but I have such a strong craving for kimchi right now, even though I've never tried it. I think I've been watching too many videos of Korean food, lol.  

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