Chapter 63

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I was bouncing up and down on the couch, waiting for Amanda and Alex to arrive. A week had passed since I visited their store, and they were supposed to arrive at the estate today.

"Stop doing that!" Lionel scowled, arms crossed and leaning back into the sofa.

Lionel was pretty crabby because I asked him to help me carry my pile of unwanted dresses into the waiting room so that I could show them to Alex. I guess he only expected to make one trip, but we ended up going back and forth from my bedroom to the waiting room five times.

"I'm just nervous! And excited," I replied.

I messed around with the set of glasses on the table, checking the pitcher to make sure my lemonade was still nice and cool.

A knight knocked on the door and opened the door, ushering Amanda and Alex into the room.

"Hello! Welcome to our place!" I jumped out of my seat, gesturing for the two to take a seat.

"Hello Lady Corvalia, Lord Lionel," Alex greeted us, setting down two briefcases on the ground next to the table.

"Are those our outfits?" Lionel asked Amanda, looking at the two bags she was holding.

"Yes, they are. Would you like to try them on right now?"

"Definitely!" I said, holding my hands out to carry my outfit.

"We'll help you get dressed," Alex said, guiding us to the corner of the room where I had set up a divider.

Amanda helped me get dressed while Alex worked with Lionel.

When she was finished, I walked out, looking at myself in the mirror while twirling around.

Lionel was also looking in the mirror at himself.

"That looks so good on you!" I told him, taking in the long coat and blue color that nicely complemented his hair.

"Hmmm... It does look good. Yours looks nice too," Lionel said.

"I'm glad they are to your liking," Alex laughed slightly. "May I see the dresses that you didn't like anymore?"

"They are on those chairs." I pointed at the chairs behind the sofa that were absolutely piled with dresses.

His eyes widened. "All of these!?"

"Yeah... I have a lot of clothes," I sighed. "I was thinking that you might be able to use the fabrics to make other dresses and 'fix' these."

"Amanda, can you look through the clothes to find the ones I can work with? Lady Corvalia, I brought my catalog books with some designs that you can look at. I'd like to see what other designs you would like me to transform these dresses into."

"Alright, let's take a look at them!" I sat down on the sofa while Amanda quickly moved over to the dresses to begin inspecting them. 

A/N: Is anyone here a fan of Hamilton the Musical, because I watched it in my history class a while ago and it is so much better than I expected. 

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