Chapter 43

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To keep things short, I SEVERELY overestimated Corvalia's stamina. By the time I turned the corner around the arena, I was already almost out of breath, but I didn't want to show it in front of Commander Landon, so I pretended like I was totally fine.

After finishing the lap, my lungs were burning and I was sweating hard inside of a multi-layer dress. It didn't help that my shoes were stiff and not made for running.

Commander Landon was standing at the same place, and waited for me to catch my breath.

"It appears you are truly apologetic" he said, sounding impressed.

"Does this mean I can visit whenever I want?" I asked, still breathing hard and trying to dust the dirt off of my clothes.

"No," Commander Landon said.

"What!?" I asked, shocked.

Please don't tell me I have to do more running.

"I'm afraid the knights are still quite upset by what you said to them. Besides, it's too dangerous for you to be around the equipment," he answered.

"Is there any way I can earn back their trust?" I stood up straight and tried to appear as upstanding as possible.

"You could join the knights and your brothers for training every morning before breakfast," Commander Landon said. "But it will be far more strenuous than the one lap you just completed. You will also need a proper set of clothes tailored."

"Okay, I'll do that," I said confidently, but on the inside I was actually crying.

Corvalia is so incredibly weak, it's going to be such a pain to get started. It will be worth it though, eventually... I hope.

"When you are prepared to join, arrive here at 7 o'clock in the morning, sharp." Commander Landon said before giving me a slight bow and turning around to head back into the training area.

I sighed, and left to go back to my room to clean myself off and change into a fresh set of clothes.

After fixing myself up, I walked around the house trying to find Molly, who apparently disappeared off the face of the planet.

Where am I supposed to find this girl!? I fumed. Surely she must be around here somewhere?

I gave up after asking around for Molly, because no one I asked could tell me where she was. I wasn't sure if no one knew where she was, or if they were ordered to never give out Molly's location to me.

Instead, I headed back towards the dining hall to wait for lunch to be served.

She hasn't even been here to wake me up in the morning every day. I realized as I walked.

I should brainstorm some methods to get her fired, I thought to myself, while praying for her downfall. 

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