Chapter 83

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The next day, after training, I was headed off to the blacksmith. Before leaving we all met up at the front of the estate, and Lionel and I were the first ones there.

"Remember that one book we read? About the Duke of the North, or whatever?"

"Yeah, I remember. What about it?"

"You know how most of their problems could have been solved if they just talked and communicated to each other?" I stressed.

He furrowed his eyebrows, looking at me, confused.

"What are you getting at?" he asked me.

"Is there anything you want to tell me that I should probably know about?" I asked directly.

"No, there isn't," he answered a little too quickly, and turned away from me at the same time.

Before I could drill him for answers, Isaac showed up so I dropped the subject.

Rex and Commander Landon were right behind him, so I quickly double checked my bag to make sure I brought an adequate payment as well as the library books Lionel had checked out for me.

"Are we not taking a carriage to town?" Rex asked.

"Last time we went, we walked. Unless you want to take a carriage?" I replied.

He shook his head, "I'm fine with anything. Let's get going then."

As we walked down, Isaac struck up some conversation.

"What did you do last time you visited? It was also your first time, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, and it's very beautiful. I went to the blacksmith first, then I went to a jewelry store to sell some jewelry. Lionel brought me to the library afterwards and I checked out a few books."

Lionel jumped in, "Don't forget, there was a robber in the jewelry store."

"What!?" Rex exclaimed. "Someone robbed it while you were in there!?"

"No, when we entered the store, it was in the process of being robbed. Commander Landon handled it though," I explained.

"I confirmed later on that he was indeed sent to jail," Commander Landon added.

"How do you even get that unlucky?" Isaac questioned. "Walking into a store right as it's being robbed."

Lionel and I shrugged at the same time.

"Well, unlucky for us, but definitely not unlucky for the store owner,"

"True," Isaac nodded in agreement.

The rest of our conversation continued until we were standing at the door of the blacksmith shop.

I entered, and this time, there was someone standing behind the counter, polishing the weapons on display.

"Lady Corvalia!" Henry waved at me all excitedly. "I'm glad you've come. If you could just follow me to the back, I'll show you what I've made."

"I'll wait here," Lionel told me.

Rex stayed behind as well to peruse the weapons hanging on the wall. Isaac and Commander Landon both followed me to the back. 

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