Chapter 38

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After finishing my first slice of bread, I cut another one for myself because I was still hungry. While eating my second slice of bread, I was getting a little bit drowsy.

Now that I have food in my stomach, I'm getting pretty tired. I should go to sleep after returning to my room. But where in the world is Lionel...? I don't want to leave without giving him his cornbread, or else he'll never trust me again.

I opened the door of the kitchen with one hand while taking a bite of my bread with the other hand. I looked to the right and to the left down the eerily lit hall, but didn't see anyone there.

How am I supposed to find him? I don't even know where his room is!

I sighed and closed the door, going back into the kitchen and climbing onto the counter to sit down.

I guess I can wait a while. But if he doesn't come back soon, I'm just going to leave.

I laid down on the counter diagonally, keeping my feet over the edge so I wouldn't contaminate the kitchen with my shoes.

I wish I had a nice pair of sweatpants here. Or some sweaters. Or even a pair of slippers!

As I was finishing up the last slice of my cornbread, I heard voices coming from the hall. It sounded like two people were fighting and yelling from a distance. I sat up wondering what was happening.

As the voices got closer, I got more nervous, quickly shoving the last bit of my bread into my mouth and hurriedly chewing on it while jumping down from the counter and brushing any crumbs I got on me off of my dress.

The handle of the door twisted and someone slammed the door open, causing me to jump a foot into the air.

What the heck!

"W-wait Rex!" Lionel shouted from behind the person.

The oldest kid!? What is he doing here!

Rex was glaring at me harder than Lionel was earlier.

"What are you doing in the kitchens!?" he yelled, pointing a finger at me.

He walked towards me, and I walked back trying to avoid him.

"I was just making food! Nothing suspicious, nothing weird!" I tried to explain, almost stumbling over my own feet.

Rex continued stomping forward, but flinched and stopped when he saw my pan of cornbread on the counter.

He covered his mouth with his hand and asked, "What... is this?"

"Uhhhhhhhhh... cornbread?" I answered. "Would you like to have a slice!?"

I picked up the slice that was meant to be Lionel's and held it up to him.

Rex jerked backwards, almost crashing into Lionel who stood behind him. He looked surprised, but that quickly turned back into anger.

To my shock, Lionel grabbed the cornbread out of my hand and shoved it into Rex's mouth.

This feels a bit like deja vu...

"Mmmphh!" Rex calmed down as he chewed on the bread.

Before he had time to get upset again, I said, "Since you're still alive, that means I obviously didn't poison you... hahahah..."

"Shut up," Lionel hissed at me, not looking amused in the slightest.

Rex continued to eat his cornbread while brushing off crumbs that had gotten on his clothes. Lionel and I just stood there awkwardly, and I wondered what the heck was going on.

"This tastes good," Rex finally said, after he finished.

"Thanks, I guess," I mumbled, praying for him to leave already.

He folded his arms the same way Lionel did and asked, "Where did you learn how to make this?"

"It came to me in a dream," I said, completely seriously.

"I see..." Rex said, looking like he was deep in thought. "Maybe this is the type of magic you were born with."

Is he really taking that seriously?

"Can I try the bread?" Lionel asked, staring wistfully at the pan of cornbread.

"Y-yeah, let me get you a slice," I said, while moving to grab the knife. "Would you like some more as well, Rex?"


Why was he so upset before, but perfectly fine now? Maybe he was just hangry...

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