Chapter 94

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"Should I tell the others about me not being Corvalia?" I asked Rex.

"It might be better to keep it a secret for now," he said. "But if they ask about it, you should probably tell them."

"Do you think Lionel will react badly? Especially if he thinks I'm really his sister..."

Rex stayed silent, and when I looked over at him, he was trying to avoid eye contact with me.

I sighed, the silence telling me everything I needed to know.

"I just hope that he doesn't feel too hurt about it."

Rex shrugged. "He might be mad about it at first, but he's a pretty reasonable person when he's calm. Lionel will probably just need time to process the fact that you aren't really his sister."

"But I want to know more about your past life. Did you like to make food too?" he asked me, eyes lighting up.

"Yeah, I liked baking a lot. Cooking too, but I especially loved making sugary goods," I replied, smiling as I thought about the wonderful pasties that I would have sold at my shop.

"How did you get access to so much sugar if you were a commoner?" he asked, staring at me.


I ducked my head down in embarrassment as I tried to come up with some excuse.

Dang it, he actually caught me.

"Is there any more of your story that's important to reveal?" Rex raised an eyebrow.

"Ugh... I just... I can't tell you my other secrets, but I promise it's nothing extremely terrible," I answered. "I'll tell all of you in the future, but right now, I think it's just too early."

"Why?" he frowned.

"It's just that... I'm not really comfortable with revealing this secret right now."

"Fine. I'll let you keep your secret for now."

"Thank you, Rex."

I scraped up the last bit of my food and stood up to take the plate to the kitchen.

"I'll bring it back for you, you don't have to leave your room," Rex told me as I stood up.

"Oh, really?" I handed the plate to him, and said thanks as he left. He waved back at me as he walked down the hall.

I flopped onto my bed after cleaning my teeth.

I didn't think that my secret would get revealed so early, but I wasn't exactly the best actor in the world anyways. These kids are just too observant.

When should I tell the others...? Lionel and Isaac could probably handle it at this age, but the youngest three are way too little for an existential crisis. 

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