Chapter 95

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Rex treated me normally for the rest of the week, not showing that he knew I was, in fact, an adult. I was grateful for this, so next time I made popsicles, I asked for his favorite fruit flavors.

"My favorite?" he repeated. "I'm not sure, let me think."

He closed his eyes, eyebrows furrowed. I just sat next to him, catching my breath after running laps.

"I like apples," he decided. "Healthy, sweet, sour, crunchy, and the perfect snack."

"I don't think apples are very easy to turn into popsicles," I mumbled to myself. "I'll figure out another kind of treat to make."

"You don't have to make it just for me," Rex told me.

"It's fine, I may as well make snacks that other people like to eat. I can't eat everything by myself anyways," I waved him off.

First thought when he said apples was apple pie, so maybe I'll try to find a pie dish for me to bake in.

That night, I made the dough for the pie crust, then cut it in half and kept it frozen by wrapping the dough in layers of cloth and burying it in magic crystals.

I need to get a mini freezer made just for myself. That should be my next request.

The next day, I worked on making the apple pie filling. I went out into the garden and found a small grove of different kinds of apple trees. I picked a few tart, green apples and a lemon.

The apples were sliced thinner, since I didn't really like thick, chunky apple pieces. I tossed them with a bit of flour, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, lemon juice, and lemon zest, making sure every slice was completely coated.

I carefully scooped the filling into the pie crust that was now set inside a cast iron pie pan.

For the top of the pie, I didn't want to do anything too fancy, so I just layered the crust on top and sliced lines through the top in a flower-like pattern. I painted some egg wash on top and put it into the oven to bake.

Chef Cooke served the pie to me and my siblings, and it was incredibly well received, especially by Rex, who devoured his faster than anyone else.

"Did you like it?" I asked him afterwards.

"It was so good!" he exclaimed.

"That's good to hear. I plan on making a lot of different kinds of pies."

"Can you make them with other fruits too?" Isaac asked me.

"Yeah, there are definitely other fruits that can be made into pies, like peaches and cherries. Even pecan nuts!" I described.

"I'm hungry again even though we just ate," joked Lionel.

"Heh, don't worry," I smirked. "I haven't even broken the beginnings of the different pastries and sweets I could be making. You'll get to try all of them eventually!"

A/N: Writing this story makes me confident that I can bake macarons or croissants or something, but I think I would fail if I attempted, lol.  

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