Chapter 89

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The next day, the knights all praised me during training, although, I think some were trying to butter me up so that I could make them more popsicles.

Although I had improved a decent amount in terms of stamina, I still lagged behind everyone else. This time however, some of the knights cheered me on as I continued to run and reached the end.

"Nice job, you're getting better!" one of them said to me, patting me on my back.

I was doubled over, wheezing, but still managed to gasp out, "Thanks."

After another day of grueling training, I was excited for my lessons with Sir Leonard.

"I borrowed a few books from the library in town," I told him, stacking the three books on the desk.

"Don't tell me you can read in another language too!" he asked, shocked, after seeing the covers.

"No, no!" I shook my head. "I was hoping that you could translate them for me. Or at least introduce me to someone who can speak in this language."

"I'm not a language person myself," Sir Leonard admitted, "I can't help you, but I definitely recognize this language. I have a friend who came from the country it originated from, Levia."

"Can you introduce me to them?" I asked.

"I can, but I don't think I'm allowed to bring them into your home," Sir Leonard admitted. "But maybe we can set up a meeting time at the library some day."

"Alright, please just ask them for me!"

"Of course, I think she'll love to meet you," Sir Leonard said. "She has always voiced complaints about the food here in Audora, especially since it's difficult for her to find ingredients for food she eats in her homeland."

"I hope she can show me some of the food from Levia."

"I've asked her to show me some, but she says that it's far too expensive to purchase the ingredients here."

"Maybe I'll have some in the garden here. We have lots of plants from all over the world."

"I'm sure she'll be overjoyed if she can taste your food," Sir Leonard replied. 

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