Chapter 16

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I was a bit distracted after learning this new fact, and couldn't properly concentrate on my book. Feeling tired, I eventually couldn't stay awake anymore and fell asleep

After waking up from a satisfying nap, I yawned and stretched. I moved sluggishly to my desk, where I flopped onto the chair and placed the book down on the table. Glancing at the clock, I saw that dinner was already over.

What! I thought. Did I really sleep that long? I guess I should go to the kitchen now and make my jams.

I stood up and stretched again, linking my fingers together and pushing my hands above my head. The sky was already dark outside and I opened my door to a dark and empty hallway. There were lit torches along the walls, most likely powered by some kind of magic, I assumed. However, the hall remained dimly lit. As I walked, shadows extended along the walls, moving as the flames flickered.

This place is so creepy! It would make an amazing haunted house setting if they just added some blood splatters and cobwebs.

The windows along the side opened up to a beautiful night sky, covered in tiny white stars. It was a sight you could never find in the urban city, where I used to live.

The wonders of pollution, I guess. I thought to myself

I reached the dining hall, noting that there was no guard standing at the door anymore. I turned, walked towards the kitchen, and pushed the door. As soon as it opened, lights on the wall flared up, filling the room with a bright light.

How fancy.

I started opening cabinets, taking out empty jars to store my jam in and large pots to cook the fruits in.

So much dishwashing, but it will be worth it.

I didn't find any baskets to carry fruit in, so I just carried a giant metal bowl outside to the garden.

Lanterns on posts lit up the garden during the night time, casting an almost ethereal glow on the trees and bushes

This garden is so pretty, I wish I could build a treehouse here or something.

I thought it over again while picking some strawberries off of bushes.

Maybe I'll get someone to plant a nice, large oak tree here. Then I'll hire some builders to make the treehouse.

Wait no! I had a sudden revelation. I should invite all of my siblings to help out! This is the perfect bonding experience! Alright, now I need to find someone to plant a tree here.

I stood up and walked over to the lemon trees and twisted the lemons off, trying to avoid the thorns on the branches.

It should be possible to accelerate the growth of plants using potions or spells, but I'm not ready for that kind of knowledge yet. I'll just ask a magic user to help me out. It's not like they would refuse a Voltaire anyways. 

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