Chapter 55

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The walk to town was quite nice, surprisingly. The worn dirt path we followed eventually led down a hill and onto a paved stone road. After reaching the road, it wasn't long before I started to hear the lively sounds of a bustling town, and saw the townspeople out and about.

Corvalia had never set foot in the town before, and honestly, she missed out. It was like something straight out of a TV show.

"Why did you want to come to town?" Commander Landon asked me.

"I'm looking for a blacksmith to make a mold for popsicles."

"Do you have a plan for them to follow?" Lionel asked.

"Yep," I patted the bag I was carrying. "It's right in here."

"I'm familiar with a skilled blacksmith," Commander Landon said. "I can bring you to him, if you'd like."

"I would like that. Thank you, Sir."

As Commander Landon gave me directions, I looked around town, entranced by fancy window displays showcasing gorgeous dresses and lavish jewelery.

That reminds me, I need to see if I can sell some of those ugly dresses in the back of my closet.

Unfortunately, I didn't happen to know where my clothes came from, or which stores sold clothes for children.

I probably won't be able to sell my dresses unless I tear them apart and sold the fabric as scraps, but I'll still take my chances. Plus I need to get rid of some of the jewelery as well. No child has any business wearing so many giant necklaces.

As Commander Landon led Lionel and I closer to the blacksmith, I started getting more and more nervous. Reaching the blacksmith's store, Commander Landon held open the door for Lionel and I to step in, then he knocked on the side of the wall to alert someone of our arrival. The sound of people working came from behind a doorway.

Lionel immediately began examining the weapons hanging on the wall, especially one of the giant longswords.

"This family has made swords for the Voltaire family for quite a long time." Commander Landon patted the hilt of his own sword. "Mine was made by them as well."

A young man peeked his head out of the doorway, and his face lit up the second he saw the Commander.

"Commander Landon!" he hurried through the doorway, noticing me and Lionel.

"What brings you here today?" he asked.

"This is Henry," Commander Landon introduced us. "Brian is the master blacksmith, and Henry is his son and apprentice."

"Lady Corvalia, you can explain your plan to him. He should be able to make it for you,"

"I definitely can!" Henry interrupted, smiling. "I may not be quite as skilled as my father, but I've made a few of the weapons you see on the wall here. Anything you need, I can do."

"Uhh...I'm not here for a weapon." My hands were trembling slightly as I pulled out the drawing. "I want to have a mold made for something I'm trying in the kitchen."

I began explaining my design for the mold, and even pulled out multiple versions in case one was too difficult to make.

Lionel was ignoring me in favor of continuing to explore the displayed weapons, but Commander Landon and Henry both stared at me as I spoke and gestured at my papers.

"Wow..." Henry said. "These are pretty detailed. Do you mind if I take these?"

"Here." I handed over the stack of papers.

Henry reviewed them again, nodding as he looked through them.

"I can definitely work with this!" Henry said, beaming at me. "It will take a few days, but I'll bring the finished mold to your estate when it's done."

"A-alright, thank you so much," I replied. "Oh! And here is one of the forks you can use as a reference."

I handed over the fork from my bag.

"That's perfect. Will that be all then?" Henry turned and asked Commander Landon.

"That's it. Thank you, Henry. And tell your father I said hello." Commander Landon replied, before he ushered me and Lionel out of the store and back onto the paved road, with Henry waving goodbye behind us. 

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