Chapter 26

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Lunch was uneventful like always. I immediately rushed to the kitchen afterwards, trying to look for Chef Cooke.

Seeing the staff working hard to prepare for the next meal and washing used dishes. Not wanting to disturb them, I instead left through the back door and walked into the garden.

I've thought about this some more... Children normally prefer sweet things over tea, right? Maybe I should make some fruit juice instead. I'll ask where tea is stored later, and experiment with some drinks then.

I looked at the trees, some ripe yellow limes catching my attention.

Or maybe some fresh limeade would be nice.

I walked back into the kitchen, hoping to ask someone for help gathering some limes. A maid took notice of me and came over.

She bent down and asked in a gentle voice, "Is there something you need help with, my lady?"

"Yes there is," I replied, relieved that someone came to me first. "Can you help me gather some limes from the trees? A whole basketful."

"Of course!" she said, and she stood up to grab a basket from one of the cabinets.

Nice to know where they are located.

She opened the door and I followed her outside. She also picked up a small ladder from the side of the wall and placed it underneath a lime tree.

The leaves were dotted with fresh yellow limes, each branch sagging with the weight of bearing multiple fruits.

This tree had to have been grown by magic. No way a normal tree could grow this many fruits!

The maid picked out a pair of clippers I didn't notice before from the basket and started picking the fruits, carefully avoiding the sharp thorns on the branches.

"Do you need help with the basket!?" I asked, noticing she was only using one hand to hold it up.

I reached up to grab hold of the basket, and carried it underneath where the limes were being dropped.

"You don't have to help Lady Corvalia! Please, allow me to do this." She tried to get me to give the basket back.

"No, I'll help. It's me who wants the limes anyways." I refused to budge, and waited for her to fill up the basket.

These limes are getting a bit heavy though...


Fun Fact:   Did you know that ripe limes are actually yellow on the outside and a light green color on the inside? The dark green limes you see in stores are actually unripe limes. Ripe limes are sweeter and less tart compared to ripe lemons. The more you know!

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