Chapter 12

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As the chef showed me around the kitchen, I was only half listening to what he said. As soon as I had entered the kitchen, I already surveyed the whole thing, noticing that there were no spice racks or shelves with fresh herbs planted and ready to be picked whenever needed.

Well back then spice racks probably weren't invented. Maybe this whole thing about food not tasting good only exists because the author never placed any importance on the food. So this world fills in the blank by itself, although it didn't do a very good job... I thought to myself as I half listened to the rambling of the chef.

"And this is the freezer. We store the fresh game and cuts of meat here. The room has a special feature since it's powered by magic stones enchanted to keep it very cold," the chef continued on.

He opened the door to the freezer and allowed me to enter. I surveyed the room, noticing that inlaid upon the stone floor was at least a dozen small rocks, glowing with a faint blue light.

I pointed at the stones and said, "Are those the magic stones?"

"Yes!" the chef said, "I-In fact your brother Rex was the one who personally enchanted the stones so that he could store the animals he hunted,"

"I see..." I said out loud.

Internally, I was thinking of all the ways I could use this "magic stone" technique to make an oven more suited towards modern baking.

Instead of using the stone to absorb the heat, is it possible to make them emit heat instead? Just one of these kinds of stones should be large enough to make a small oven.

The chef opened the door to the freezer again, shaking me out of my thoughts and I continued to follow him around.

He led me to a door at the very back of the kitchen, talking animatedly about the kitchen all the way, which I filtered out of my ears.

The door led to a backyard kind of garden, which was absolutely massive.

"This vegetable and fruit garden is disconnected from the other gardens around the estate," the chef explained.

Before he could talk any more, I cut him off and asked, "How do you use these vegetables and fruits in the meals?"

"Well for the vegetables, we will serve them alongside the meat or put them in the soups. As for the fruits, they are mainly eaten as a snack or dessert," the chef answered me.

Fruit as dessert is pretty common in modern times as well. But the vegetables can be cooked a lot better. In the kitchen I saw them boiling all the vegetables in plain water.

"Well this has been a pretty interesting tour," I said, while trying to think of anything nice to say. "The garden is very impressive, I would like to come back at a later time to take another look at it. Would that be alright?"

"O-of course!" the chef said, looking like he was about to pass out from either anxiety or excitement. "You are always welcome here Lady Corvalia! Please do not worry about interrupting us!"

"Alright then, I will take my leave," I said, as I turned to walk back into the kitchen. "I look forward to seeing what food will be served during lunch."

Not really, but I should at least try to be nice. He looks so terrified of me.

"I'm honored!" the chef said as he followed me back inside. "I look forward to your next visit, Lady Corvalia!"

I exited the kitchen and gave a large sigh of relief.

Crap, I forgot to ask that chef for his name. Whatever, I'll get it next time around. I should head over to the dining room for lunch now. Hopefully it's at least a little bit better than breakfast. 

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