Chapter 40

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When I stepped into my room, I beelined towards my nightgown and changed out of my dress. Then, I proceeded to collapse on my bed, rolling around in the fluffy pink sheets.

Today has been so tiring.

I fell asleep almost immediately, hugging my pillow as tightly as I could.

When the next day came, I woke up to the sound of Molly pulling the curtains apart. The sunlight fell on my face, making me hide my eyes beneath the covers.

"It's time to wake up," Molly said, before she hurried out of my room.

She disappeared before I could even say anything...

I stepped out of bed, stretching and yawning, before walking over to my dresser and trying to find a watch of some kind.

I need to find something to help me keep time with. It makes it easier to keep time in the kitchen.

After a few minutes of searching through a bunch of fancy looking boxes, I finally found a nice bejeweled pocket watch that I could carry with me, along with a silver chain to attach the watch to.

I don't even want to imagine how expensive this watch could be.

Then I spent another few minutes looking in my closet for a dress I could put myself in, and got dressed to get ready for the day. I hung the pocket watch around my neck like a necklace, and chose a pair of matching shoes from Corvalia's massive collection.

I went over to the mirror, and picked up a brush, trying to make my bedhead look a little more presentable by getting the knots out.

Once I was done with everything, and I felt like my appearance was decent, I left to go to the kitchen again.

I should have them split the rest of the cornbread between the seven of us siblings. I don't want to leave anything left over.

When I opened the door, my pan of cornbread had been moved to the side away from the busy kitchen staff, and Chef Cooke was watching the other staff finishing setting up the plates of food.

He saw me and immediately came over, saying, "Lady Corvalia! Is there anything you need?"

"I just have a request. Is it alright if you split the cornbread into eight servings and serve seven of them to me and my siblings?" I asked.

I feel like a customer in a restaurant requesting modifications.

"Of course we can do that! Would you like me to save the last piece for later?" Chef Cooke asked me.

Thankfully, he didn't look annoyed.

"Yes, I want to save the last piece for my tutor, Sir Leonard. I'll come by before my class to bring it to him. Thank you so much!" I replied.

I left the kitchen after making my request, and walked over to the dining hall.

I should make something for the kitchen staff too. What's a good option? Maybe some kind of drink, and then offer to wash the dishes for an entire day...

I sat in my seat in the dining hall, while debating on whether or not I should offer to wash all the dishes after a meal. It would certainly be nice, but at the same time, they cooked food for seven people, which meant a ton of dishes.

Everyone was already seated at the table, and as always, it was totally dead silent. The food got served soon after, and I saved my cornbread for last so I could feel like I had a good meal.

I would kill for some Cinnamon Toast Crunch right about now. Does cinnamon even exist here?

Breakfast was the same as usual, but I was happy to see after sneaking some looks at my siblings' plates that they had all eaten the cornbread I made, and left no crumbs.

It's nice to see that they like the food I made.

After breakfast, I walked into the kitchen, waved hi to Alina, and took the last plate of cornbread before making my way to the library for another lesson with Sir Leonard.

Hopefully he likes it too. Seems like he enjoyed the bread I made a lot, so I'm sure he'll like it. 

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