Chapter 106

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Once I got home, Lionel and I promptly parted ways. He left for the training grounds, saying he wanted extra practice, which I immediately left for Kira's room.

I knocked on her door, and heard her voice shout, "One second!"

She slowly opened the door, peeking out from behind, before seeing that it was me and breaking out into a wide smile.

"Corvalia! What are you doing here?" she asked, throwing the door open.

"I brought you a gift," I said, holding up the hair clip.

Kai was sitting on a couch, and looked up when he heard my name.

"Here you go, Kira," I said, handing her the hair clip. "Want me to help you put it on?"

"Yes please," she replied.

I carefully moved her hair out of the way, and slid the hair clip in place.

"There you go."

Her smile was incredibly bright as she thanked me.

I waved them goodbye, and left for the kitchen.

Fortunately, the exact man I was looking for was there.

"Chef Cooke!" I waved hello.

"Lady Corvalia, it's nice to see again. What brings you to the kitchen at this time?"

"I was wondering if you could have some special ingredients ordered," I said. "I found some interesting recipes that I'd like to try."

"I'll get them to the best of my abilities. Just hand me a list of them, and I'll see what I can do, Lady Corvalia."

"Thank you very much! I'll be right back!"

I ran to my room to grab a scrap piece of paper and a pen, opening up my notebook to copy down all the ingredients I needed, before racing back and handing it to him.

"I'll take a look at these later," he promised.

"Alright! Thank you! And if you can't find any of the ingredients, don't worry. I'll ask some other people to see if they can get them for me." 

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