Chapter 52

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I handed Kai a basket from the cabinet, and he led Kira and Ryan out the door into the garden.

"Alright, Rex." I turned and faced him. "Let's try this again!"

I grabbed another fork, aligning it in the center of another filled glass.

"What do you need me to do?" he asked.

"I need the water to freeze around the fork," I explained. "A popsicle is basically just a chunk of flavored ice, frozen around a stick. You hold the popsicle by the stick and lick the ice for a cool refreshing treat."

All three boys nodded in unison, likely visualizing my explanation.

"That sounds nice after a long day of training in the summer afternoons," Rex mused.

He held up his hand to the glass and froze only the water inside.

"Nice! That's the first step!" I cheered.

"What's the next step?" Isaac asked.

Lionel interrupted, scoffing, "Obviously it's to get the ice out of the glass. How are you supposed to lick the ice if it's stuck?"

I watched as Rex rolled his eyes.

"Let's try to be nice to each other, please?" I complained.

I twisted the fork around in the glass ,trying to get the ice to budge, but it wouldn't work.

"Freezing the glass isn't the hardest thing," I said. "The problem is getting it out in one uniform piece."

"Is that how you broke the glass?" Isaac asked Lionel.

"I'd like to see you try and control your magic!" he shot back.

Before they started brawling in the kitchen, the door swung open with Kai, Kira, and Ryan returning carrying a basket full of mixed berries.

"Issac, can you rinse the strawberries and cut them into quarters?" I asked, trying to separate him and Lionel.

Maybe letting him handle a knife is counterintuitive...

As he busied himself with cutting the strawberries, I grabbed a metal bowl from the sink and rinsed the other berries.

As I explained my plan for these popsicles, all of my siblings stood still and listened.

"For the base of the popsicle, I'll mix some berry juice with water, which will get poured into the glass. Then I'll add some fruit into each glass and freeze it. When you eat the popsicle, you'll get some chunks of fruit at the same time."

"Who are you making these for?" Ryan asked, standing on his tippy-toes to see over the counter.

"For now? Just us. Once I perfect the recipe I'll make it for the knights and anyone else I feel like giving some to."

Rex crossed his arms in a very Lionel-like fashion.

"You can't make the popsicles without my help. How do you expect me to freeze enough of these for all the knights?"

"I have a plan for that in the future. I just want to figure out the recipe and make sure it tastes good," I explained.

I handed the bowl of raspberries and blackberries to Kira and Ryan.

"Kira, Ryan, can you two take about a fourth of these berries and squash all of the juices out into another bowl?"

I gave them a strainer along with a second bowl for the juice.

"What are the rest of us going to do?" Lionel asked (of course his arms were crossed).

"Let's go over some more ideas for flavors. What kind of fruits do you want to have in popsicles?"

"What kind of fruits can you put in there?"

"Pretty much anything can be made into a popsicle. I can also mix the fruit juice with milk and freeze that."

"Frozen milk!?" Rex wrinkled his nose in disgust. "Wouldn't that make it all gross?"

"No way! It tastes really good!" I defended myself.

Creamy popsicles are far better than icy ones!

"How would you know? Have you made them before?" Kai asked, curious.

"That's right! How could you have tried them yourself if you can't freeze them?"

"I mixed fruit juice with milk and drank it regularly. I didn't freeze it." I lied, forgetting that popsicles never existed until I spoke them into existence.

"That's kind of gross..." Kai said, looking at me as if I was weird.

"It's not that bad!" I huffed. "When I get the tools, I'll make them for everyone to try. That way you can see for yourself!" 

A/N: Favorite Fruit?

I can't choose between plums and cherries. I love apples too, because I have an apple tree in my backyard and it grows the most perfectly delicious apples. 

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