Chapter 50

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I grabbed a dozen forks from one of the drawers and lined up a couple champagne glasses as I waited for Lionel to arrive.

I filled up each glass of champagne about 3/4s full with water, and as I was holding them under the tap, Lionel opened the door.

"What are you doing?" he asked, as he closed the door behind him.

"I'm going to try and make some popsicles. But I have to plan out how I'm going to do it first," I explained, filling up the last glass.

I stuck a fork into the glass, aligning it in the center.

"Can you use ice magic to freeze this?" I asked Lionel.

He raised his hand next to the glass, and in an instant, the entire glass was frozen in a block of ice.

"...That's a little too much ice."

Lionel huffed in annoyance.

"I'm not as skilled at precise magical control as Rex is," he muttered.

He raised his hand again, "I'll melt it down."

"Hold on-" I flinched as the glass shattered.

Well there goes my goal to not break any glasses.

Lionel stood there, wide-eyed.

"...Sorry, that's my bad," he awkwardly apologized, backing away from the broken glass.

"Can you use magic to fix it?" I asked, hoping that I wouldn't have to clean up the glass.

"I can't," he admitted, and my heart dropped. "Rex probably can though. He's probably learned that kind of spell by now."

"Where's his room? I'll ask him for help," I volunteered.

As I stepped over the glass, Lionel quickly held his hand out to help me over.

How gentlemanly.

"His room is to the left of mine," he replied.

"Next to your room? Where's that?" I asked.

"Next to Isaac's room,"

"...And where is that?"

"Next to your room!" he said, exasperated.

"Oh, right!" I turned in embarrassment, and left the room.

It completely slipped out of my mind that our rooms are next to each other. He probably thinks I'm an idiot...

Author's Note: Chapter 50 is here! It's a little late because I had a school event, but I'm glad I got it out to you guys. 

Thanks for reading and voting! :D

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