Chapter 46

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When I woke up tomorrow morning, I was a bit groggy, but after standing up and staring at myself in my mirror for a minute or two, I was feeling more awake.

For the first time since entering this world, I put on a pair of pants. It felt a little strange after wearing dresses for a while, but I got used to it quickly. I practiced moving around and stretching in the clothes, but they were surprisingly easy to move around in. Probably because they were made for training purposes.

My legs were a little bit sore from the running I did yesterday, as well as from the amount of time I spent walking around the estate. Hopefully I could at least make it past training without dying.

I was feeling more and more anticipation by the minute. I watched the clock move as I paced around my room and tried stretching every body part in order to get ready for the amount of running I was going to do. Around fifteen minutes before training began, I slipped my watch into the breast pocket of my shirt, then opened my door, nearly smacking right into Lionel.

His hand was raised as if he was just about to knock, but now he was frozen in shock (that rhymed). Rex and Isaac were also standing behind him.

"You're...up," Lionel said after lowering his hand.

"Let's get going," Rex said while turning. "We don't want Commander Landon to get upset."

All three of them turned to head towards the training grounds, so I followed behind them, speed walking to keep up with their fast pace.

As I approached the training grounds, some of the knights noticed me and began whispering to each other.

Commander Landon heard the knights, and turned around, eyes locking on me and widening once he realized I was here.

"Lady Corvalia! I see you've kept your promise, which is a good start," he said, as I came closer. "Where did you get those clothes from?"

"Uhhh..." I hesitated, not sure if Lionel wanted me to reveal that he gave me the clothes. When I made eye contact with him, he stared at me as if trying to say, 'Hurry up and speak you idiot!'

"Lionel gave it to me," I said, then I added, "Sir."

Commander Landon nodded at Lionel, and said to my brothers, "You three, show your sister the path we take for the running warm up."

Then he turned to the rest of the knights and yelled, "Stretch! Then begin! You know the drill!"

A chorus of, "Yes Sir!" could be heard from all around, as knights moved into action.

"Follow the stretch we do," Lionel told me, as my three brothers began to stretch their legs.

I already stretched earlier, but it can't hurt to do it again.

Rex began lecturing me on the importance of stretching.

"If you don't stretch and warm up properly before exercise, you will be doing your body more harm than good. Make sure that before you do anything active, you warm up your muscles first..." He started droning on and on, but I listened to every world just in case he would decide to quiz me or something.

After a few minutes of warming up, the three of them directed me to one part of the forest. Other knights were already in the area, getting ready to begin, or already starting.

"We run for 30 minutes, usually," Lionel explained, "But it depends on how long you take to get to the end. If you don't take as long, you get to have a longer break."

I'm probably going to take an hour.

"How much do I have to run?" I asked.

"We go to the edge of the forest, then back. And no cheating, because Commander Landon will find out if you do," Rex said, while preparing to start.

"Let's begin already, we are waiting too long."

And so we started, and almost immediately, I felt like dying.

I can't slow down now. We've barely started!

The four of us siblings already lagged behind the other knights, but at least my brothers were able to follow them from closely behind.

It was a little humiliating, but I was reassured by the fact that they had all been training for a while now. Today was just my first day, and I would definitely improve over time, as long as I practiced every day. 

Author's Note: I know this update is early, but don't worry, I'll still be posting on Monday. I'm just trying to get into the habit of posting two times a week, Mondays and Fridays. 

Also, if you've read my previous chapter, I've decided to change the cover to the one that I drew. I just want to make this story a bit more unique to myself, and changing the cover to something more original is part of that step. 

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