Chapter 72

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"If you want, we can just read in my room together," I suggested to Lionel, a bit nervous.

"Don't you have to give everyone else their snacks?" he asked, cocking his head to the side.

I shrugged. "I can just make more for them tomorrow. I still have leftover filling. Besides, I really want to know how that story ends. Do you want to join me in my room?"

Lionel looked at the wall, thinking about my offer. "Sure, let's go then," he ultimately decided.

I gave myself a mental pat on the back as Lionel opened the door for me.

"Do you want to sit on the bed?" I said, after placing the plate of mochi on my blanket.

"Sure..." Lionel awkwardly sat on the edge of my bed, flipping open the book to where I left off.

"You don't have to sit on the edge like that," I said, sprawling out onto my pillows. "You can relax, we're just having some fun and eating some snacks."

"Alright," Lionel sighed, as he shifted his position to lean his back against the headboard.


Lionel and I took turns reading chapters and snacking, as well as commenting on the cliches and the stupid actions of the characters.

It wasn't long before the plate was finished and I was beginning to feel drowsy, and kept yawning.

Lionel noticed this, and closed the book after I visibly could barely keep my eyes open.

"Time for you to sleep," Lionel told me, as he sat up to leave my room.

"Okay," I replied, getting up to change out of my dress. "Good night, Lionel."

"Good night."

The next morning, I had just barely survived my training session when a knight came up to me and handed me a letter.

"It is from a boy named Henry. He requested I give this to you," The knight explained.

The blacksmith's son! Does this mean he's already done with the popsicle mold?

I hastily ripped open the  sealed letter as Lionel, Rex, and Isaac crowded behind me, trying to read what it said.

Hi Lady Corvalia! I've finished creating your mold based off of your designs. I made a few small changes in order for everything to work better, but your drawings were quite detailed. If you have some time, please come down to the blacksmith to take a look. Signed, Henry.

Next to his signature was a crudely drawn smiley face and thumbs up, which made me laugh a bit.

Rex, however, did not look super happy.

"This Henry person. Who is he? He should be using more formal speech when writing to a noble."

"It's fine, I don't really care," I shrugged, folding up the note.

"When did you go down to the village?" Isaac asked.

"Lionel and I went down over a week ago," I explained. "Commander Landon went with us."

"When are you going to go back?"

"Probably within the next few days. If I have time in the afternoon."

I'll have to ask Commander Landon if he can accompany us again.

A/N: Do any of you dog-ear books? Dog-earring means you fold over the corner of a page to mark where you left off from reading, instead of using a bookmark. Curious, because some of my friends hate it while others think that it's okay, as long as it is your own book.

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