Chapter 87

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I waited nearly an entire 30 minutes for the popsicles to freeze, just to be extra careful, even though Henry's instructions stated that I only really needed to wait 15 minutes. Before I took the popsicles out, I knocked on my siblings' doors, telling them to go to the kitchen because I had a treat for them.

"What do you think of it?" I asked them, as we all licked our popsicles in the garden.

"It's kind of sour!" Isaac commented.

"I put lemons and raspberries in it," I explained. "I like sour and sweet flavors together."

"I think I prefer sweet by itself," Lionel said. "But this is pretty good too."

Kai and Kira nodded in agreement with Lionel.

I guess the three of them have strong sweet tooths.

"I think I like the sour more, actually," Rex added. "It's not bitter like normal lemons are. The sweetness improves it a little"

"Yeah, I like all different kinds of flavors," I said. "I'll eat pretty much anything."

"Anyways," I changed the conversation. "What should I do with the rest of the popsicles? I still have a couple left."

"The knights are probably having a mock tournament right now. Just give the popsicles to the top performers," Rex suggested. "And one for Commander Landon as well, as a thanks for accompanying you."

"Okay," I stood up, finishing the last of my popsicle. "Any of you want to help me hand them out?"

"I want to see!" Kira volunteered.

"I'll go with her," Kai followed.

"I'll help you carry the popsicles," Lionel stood up as well. "It'll be easier with my magic."

Isaac, Rex, and Ryan stayed seated, continuing to finish their popsicles.

"Alright, the four of us should be enough. Don't forget to wash the wash after you're done eating!" I warned them as I stepped back into the kitchen.


"Here you go, Commander Landon!" I held out a popsicle to him with both of my hands.

"Thank you, Lady Corvalia," he replied.

"Lady Corvalia, you made these!?" One of the knights asked me in surprise.

"Y-yeah, I did." It was a bit awkward to admit that.

"It's amazing," the knight told me, very seriously. "The perfect treat after a long day!"

"Ugh... Stop gloating already," another knight complained. "I want to try one too!"

"Get on my level at fighting, then maybe you'll get a chance!"

The two of them continued joking around, and Commander Landon spoke up again.

"How did you make this?" he asked. "How did you even come up with the idea?"

"It's just frozen ice, juice, and fruit chunks," I explained. "And sometimes people will eat ice cubes to cool themselves off. Why not make the ice taste good too?"

"Impressive work, Lady Corvalia," he praised me.

"Thank you, Sir!" 

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