Chapter 75

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"Back straight! Head face forward!" Mrs. Abbott yelled, banging a ruler against the table, causing me to flinch.

I could feel the heavy book she stacked on my head slowly shifting to the side.

Stereotypical name, stereotypical actions... At least I was expecting this from the beginning.

When Mrs. Abbott was distracted with fixing Isaac's posture, I discreetly shifted the book on my head to be more centered, and continued my careful steps around the room, trying to keep the book from falling off.

The second my brothers and I walked into the ballroom to meet our newest teacher, she immediately smacked Lionel on the back with her rulers for slouching, causing the rest of us to stand tall. The next hour was spent hearing her yell at us, watching her wave her ruler around, and occasionally hearing her threaten us over our apparent lack of manners.

I can't believe I had to cut my classes with Sir Leonard short over this. I grouched to myself.

I must have been revealing my thoughts on my face because Mrs. Abbott immediately took notice of my unhappiness and started screaming in my face.

"Look happy! A girl should never be seen frowning! If I catch you looking unhappy again, you'll face dire consequences!"

This lady is insane.

I quickly reversed my frown into a sweet smile, but when I saw her turn around to yell at my brothers again, I rolled my eyes at her ridiculousness.

If a lady isn't supposed to be unhappy, why are you screaming your head off right now...

I turned around to walk back to the other side of the room, and hid my laugh at seeing my three brothers posture being forced into a stiff position.

I'll admit, this is a little bit funny. But if I have to do this every single day, I might go insane.

I kept my head held high, arms in front of me, spine perfectly straight, and slowly continued my walking.

Fortunately, I had decent coordination skills, so Mrs. Abbott didn't yell at me as much. Although, that in part also had to do with her being distracted with lecturing my brothers, and not paying attention when I moved the book on my head with my hands.

When class ended, she told us to practice our posture for an extra two hours as homework (which I was definitely NOT going to complete) and left.

"Do we really need to do this every single day? It's just a waste of time." I whispered to my brothers as Mrs. Abbott shut the door.

"It's cutting into my magic lessons," Rex complained, shaking his head.

"Me too!" Lionel exclaimed. "But she won't be convinced to leave so easily. We have to prove that our etiquette skills are perfect so that she has no excuse to continue teaching us anymore."

"Are any of you going to do the homework she assigned?" Isaac asked.

I shook my head no, as Rex and Lionel replied, "No way."

"Corvalia, you should make her something to eat. Maybe she'll treat us better that way," Lionel suggested.

"You just want to eat her food yourself," Rex muttered, to which Lionel elbowed him in the gut.

"I'll think of something to make for her over the next few days. Can't promise it will work on her though..."

"As long as we try anything," Isaac said. "I think etiquette is a waste of time." 

A/N: Sorry for the later update than usual. I caught a cold during finals week, so I was taking some time to recover and study. Thanks for the patience! <3

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