Chapter 54

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I spent a while working on the design of the mold until I eventually gave up on trying to figure out the technical details.

I'll just leave this to the professionals. I was never fit to be an engineer anyways.

I went to my closet and picked out a nice, inconspicuous outfit for the next day. A neutral brown dress, along with a thick coat to wear in case it was cold. I also chose to wear my training boots. Despite being a little dirty, they were the most comfortable thing to wear in my closet.

After laying tomorrow's outfit onto the foot of my bed, I climbed in and went to sleep, dreading another day of training.

Waking up early wasn't as bad anymore, since I had gotten used to it. The same could not be said for the training, which unfortunately lasted longer on the weekends. The time before and after breakfast was all spent training. The only positive was that afternoons were free, since the training was moved up to before lunch.

When I asked Commander Landon about borrowing two knights as bodyguards, he raised an eyebrow and asked, "Why?"

"I want to go into town in the afternoon, Sir," I said.

Lionel jumped in with, "I'll be going with her too."

"Alright, I'll send a knight or two to go with you. Where should they wait?"

I didn't think this far ahead. Whoops.

"How long does it take to walk to town?" I turned to Lionel.

"Aren't you just going to take a carriage?"

"Well, that depends on how long the walk is."

Lionel thought about it for a moment. "Probably a little less than 20 minutes."

"Then I guess walking there is fine," I shrugged.

"Is it okay for the knights to wait by the front entrance at 1 in the afternoon?" I asked Commander Landon.

"I'll arrange for that. Now get back to training, Lady Corvalia," he said, turning around.

...I hate training so much.

After lunch ended, I rushed back to my room to change out of my training clothes, then met with Lionel who was standing in front of his room, leaning against the wall.

"Are you ready?" he asked, looking at the leather satchel I found.

"I think so, yeah." I double checked my bag, and it had my papers filled with the drawings and descriptions of what I wanted. The stolen fork and some of my ugly jewelry was in the bag as well.

We walked to the front entrance, and Lionel held the door open for me as I walked out. Commander Landon was waiting there, still dressed formally with a sword by his side, but no longer wearing a complete set of armor.

"Hello, Sir." Lionel and I both gave a short polite greeting.

"Let's get going then. I don't want you two staying in town for too long." Commander Landon started walking towards the road, which I assumed led to town.

Lionel and I gave each other a look of confusion, before we jogged a little to catch up to the commander's long strides.

"Are you coming with us?" I asked, as I caught up to his walking.

"You two are part of one of the most important families in the world. I'm confident I can personally attend to your safety far better than the other knights."

I didn't really have anything to say about that. It was pretty clear that Commander Landon was well respected, so he must have been a great fighter.

Lionel and I walked side by side as Commander Landon had slowed down to walk behind both of us.

I wish they were more talkative. Starting every conversation on my own is getting harder...

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