Chapter 64

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Lionel looked over my shoulder as Alex and I searched through catalog books, trying to find some designs that might work.

Behind me, Amanda was holding up the dresses to take a look at them. I wasn't sure what she was looking for, but I was hoping that most of the dresses didn't have to be wasted, since the fabric felt quite expensive.

"I think this one is good," Lionel pointed at one of the pictures.

"Yeah it's not bad..." I murmured. "But I don't really like those kinds of dresses."

"Well, you're going to need at least one outfit for formal events," Lionel crossed his arms. "The dresses you wear now aren't fancy enough for that. And you're going to throw away all of the ones that will work."

"I guess you're right. Then I think this dress is a good option too,"

"I'll write it down then." Alex listed that dress on a slip of paper.

"Ah! I forgot!" I exclaimed after noticing the pitcher and glasses on the table.

I quickly got up to pour out drinks for everyone.

"Thank you, Lady Corvalia," Alex said, when I handed him and Amanda a glass. "Is this tea?"

"No, it's a drink I've made with limes."

"It tastes very good! What else did you put in it?" Amanda asked after taking a sip.

"Just water, lime juice, and a bit of sugar. And I added some ice to keep it cool."

"Is this that drink you made for your tea party a while back?" Lionel was now laying down on the couch, his face mushing into a pillow.

"Yeah, it's the same one."

A knock sounded at the door, and everyone looked up at it.

"Who is it!?" Lionel asked.

The door opened up, and Rex peeked through, asking, "What are you doing in here?"

My eyes widened.

What is he doing here!?

"I'm taking a look at some clothes, Rex. Did you need something?" I asked, trying to sound polite.

Lionel shot up from his laid down position, fixing his messed up hair once he heard me say Rex's name.

Rex huffed, and entered the room, closing the door behind him.

"I was just curious." He looked at Alex. "Are you the designer?"

"Yes! That's me." Alex stood up and bowed, introducing himself. "My name is Alexander. Lady Corvalia has asked me to help her with designing some new clothes."

"If you don't have anything to say, just leave," Lionel scowled, tapping his foot in impatience.

"If you want to stay, that's fine too. Maybe you'd like to pick out an outfit as well?"

Lionel looked at me like I had betrayed him.

"That sounds like a good idea. I think I've grown out of my clothes a bit," Rex said, as he sat down right next to Lionel.

"Would you like to take a look at some examples?" Alex asked.

"Yes please. Do you have any physical examples of your work as well?"

"I'm wearing it right now!" I interrupted. "And so is Lionel."

Rex took a good look at us two. "It looks nice. Should I get the same one as Lionel?"

"No! Absolutely not! Get your own design!" Lionel complained, getting up from his seat next to Rex and moving over to my side.

I can't tell if they really hate each other or if it's just a stupid rivalry... Hopefully it's just the latter.

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