Chapter 85

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I checked out three of the books temporarily, not wanting to carry too much with me. I went to the table where everyone planned to meet, and only Rex was there right now. I just sat next to him and looked at the book he was reading.

It was something to do with using magic, and I tried following along, but I couldn't understand any of the magical jargon they used.

"You won't be able to understand this book so easily," Rex noticed me trying to read. "It took me over a year to fully comprehend the language that mages use."

"It only took me half a year though!" Lionel placed his hands on Rex's and I's shoulders, jumpscaring both of us.

Rex scowled and Lionel's proud smile.

"Is magic really that complicated?" I asked.

"I mean, it wasn't super difficult," Lionel shrugged, sitting down next to me. "Honestly, I think old magic users just got a big head and decided to create a bunch of terms so that they could feel important."

I nodded in understanding.

"When Sir Leonard gave me his book about potion-making, it wasn't that difficult to understand."

"Well, with potions it's a bit different," Lionel leaned back in his chair, balancing on just two of the legs.

"Most potion-crafters don't memorize ingredients or processes. They write everything down in books and just keep referencing back to them. Eventually, they might memorize them just from repeatedly making them over and over again."

"Magic is different because it's mostly used in battle or defense. That's why mages need to memorize spells and stuff. It's too inefficient to pull out a book and start reading off of it when you're in the middle of a battlefield."

"But what if I don't want to use magic in battle?" I asked.

Lionel furrowed his brows in confusion.

"Well, where else would you use it?"

"When making food, obviously," I replied. "Like when Rex froze the popsicles, or I could use wind to help pick fruit from high branches and churn butter for me."

Lionel froze at that.

"Wait, you mean I could have used wind magic to make butter this entire time and you didn't tell me!?"

I blinked in surprise.

"I just thought of that idea right now!"

"Yeah Lionel," Rex jumped at the chance to get a dig in. "It's not Corvalia's fault you're so narrow-minded that you can't even think of using magic for anything other than fighting."

Lionel almost started yelling, but Isaac appeared, shushing everyone, reminding us we were in a library.

"Time to leave. Everyone checked out their books already, yes?" Commander Landon spoke up from behind Isaac.

We all whispered yes, and stood up to leave. The second we walked out the library doors, Lionel elbowed Rex in the ribs and immediately raced ahead, with Rex chasing him from behind. 

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