Chapter 33

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I shot up out of my chair, and blurted out the first thing I could think of.

"Why don't you have a taste too!?" I said, as I grabbed him by the shoulders and moved him into my seat.

I quickly stood next to him and carved out another slice of bread.

"You all can have the rest of the bread. If you really like it, I'll bake more in the future and invite you to some more tea parties," I said to the other people sitting at the table.

They all stared at me, before Sir Leonard stood up and started splitting the bread between the rest of them.

I turned back towards Lionel, who was apparently so shocked by the sudden turn of events that he just blinked and looked at the bread on my plate.

I picked up a random jar of jam and started spreading some onto the bread.

Lionel turned and looked at me, appearing upset.

"I don't want to eat your disgusting bread! And how can you call this a tea party," he spat at me. "There's no tea anywhere!"

"Haha." I faked an awkward laugh. Then I ripped off the piece of bread with jam on it and shoved it in his mouth.

"I don't really like the taste of tea too much. I do have some refreshing limeade though, would you like to try some of that?"

I picked up my glass of limeade and brought it towards his mouth, but he shoved my hand away, causing me to spill some of my drink. He also spat the bread out onto my plate, wiping his mouth in disgust while coughing.

That's so gross... Also, what a waste! That was perfectly good bread I could have eaten there...

Lionel suddenly stood up, stumbling away from the table, face so red, even his ears looked on fire.

"D-don't you dare do that again!" he yelled while pointing at me and backing away. Then he turned around and ran back towards the inside of the estate.

Don't know what that was about, but at least he's gone. Hopefully he doesn't come back for a while.

I sat back down in my chair, awkwardly facing the rest of the people. I was struggling not to laugh, but when I looked into Sir Leonard's eyes, I burst into giggles at how funny the situation was.

My siblings laughed along with me after a few seconds, while both Alina and Sir Leonard smiled, amused.

Eventually, I cleared my throat, and said, "Well, let's just continue then, shall we?"

We went back to enjoying our bread, this time with no more distractions.


After all of that excitement, I watched Sir Leonard leave and said goodbye to him, as well as the other people I invited. Then, I hurried back to my room and flopped onto my bed, exhausted after all that.

What should I make next? Some more bread, maybe? How about some nice cornbread!

I sat up again, heading towards my desk and pulled out a pen to write.

Cornbread ingredients... They should be relatively easy to get. I already know they have most of the ingredients. I just need to see if they have cornmeal.

I had just finished baking my first bread, and now I was onto my next project.

Alright, tomorrow, I'm going to make this bread all for myself! Just to test it out. Then, I'll organize another tea party. Maybe I should invite some more people too...

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