Chapter 56

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The three of us meandered back to the area with lots of cool clothing stores and jewelry shops. I stopped by one of the display windows of a fancy store, looking at the gorgeous dress on display. It looked soft and flowy, and I knew I had to have something like that.

"Can I go in there?" I asked Commander Landon.

"Of course," he said, as he opened the door for me.

A tiny bell jingled when the door opened, and I stepped inside, flinching when a lady attendant seemingly appeared from nowhere.

"Hello Sir, is there anything you were looking for?" the lady asked Commander Landon.

"The dress on display seems to have caught Lady Corvalia's eye," he replied.

The lady looked at me smiling before processing his words.

"L-Lady Corvalia!" she exclaimed in shock, before quickly recovering and beginning to apologize.

"M-my apologies for not recognizing you! Please, take a seat. Would you like to have a look at our catalog?"

Having a horrible reputation is so awkward.

The lady guided me towards the sofa as I tried to reply.

"No need to apologize, I'm just looking around!"

Commander Landon stood back, just waiting.

Lionel scoffed, and took a seat next to me, "You have so many dresses, even for a girl. Why do you need more?"

I looked at him, confused.

"Because ninety-five percent of my clothes are super ugly!"

"Ugly? What's ugly about them?" he frowned. "I think they look fine."

I stared in disgust. 

"You mean, you don't think there is anything wrong with all the dresses I used to wear? All the clashing colors and ridiculous ribbon accessories? All of that was okay?"

"Why wouldn't it be? I thought the more you stood out, the better."

I shook my head in disappointment and leaned over to whisper to him.

"Lady Catherine was the one who gave me all of the ugly and outlandish clothes. The normal dresses, shoes, and jewelry were gifted from other people. Still think it's normal now?!"

Lionel blinked, nodded in agreement, and whispered back.

"When you get home, burn all the clothes she gave you."

Throughout our interaction, the poor attendant was wringing her hands in worry to the side.

I made eye contact, smiled, and asked, "What's your name?"

"My n-name is Amanda, Lady Corvalia."

"It's nice to meet you Amanda. I was hoping to have someone come over to the Voltaire estate to take a look at some of the clothes I have. Is the owner of this store available?"

"I-I can definitely ask him! Please excuse me for a few minutes."

She hurried into another room, and I waited by opening up the catalog book to take a look at some other designs for dresses, totally in love with the simple style. 

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