Chapter 14

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The three older kids glared at each other during the entire meal. The rest of us stayed silent and chewed on our food. The only sounds I could hear were the occasional knife hitting the plate or the spoon hitting the side of the bowl.

Those kids look like they could kill each other. What kind of childhood did they go through? I'll have to fix that at some point. Camaraderie is important between siblings.

I distracted myself with these thoughts as I mindlessly chewed on my food. My mind then wandered on to thoughts of delicious feasts I had prepared in the past to eat with my family.

Whole chickens, steamed fish and lobster, tomato fried eggs, god I miss that food so much already. Since the people here are so unaccustomed to food with spices, I should try exposing them to some more mild dishes first.

What should I make for those three tomorrow? Something sweet would be nice, but I don't think granulated sugar has been invented yet. Maybe some fresh bread to start, and I will wake up early to prepare some spreads. But then I will have to prepare the dough today. Alright I'll just go in the kitchen later to make it. They should already have a yeast starter made right? After all, they do serve bread with our meals.

I started daydreaming about the wonderful bread I would make, and how the knife would make a nice clean crunch when cutting into the hard crust, and the image of spread butter and jam over a nice hot slice of bread appeared in my mind...

The fantasy was interrupted when I started chewing on my plain broccoli.

At least they have decent technique when it comes to cooking food. All it lacks is flavor.

What should I make for the knights though? What would I want to eat after training really hard... Probably not sweets, but an actual meal. Should I prepare some refreshments instead? Some lemonade sounds nice...

I remembered seeing a row of lemon and lime trees in the garden the chef had showed me.

But to make lemonade for that many knights, it would definitely require a lot of work. I should just make enough for the elite guard, since they are the best fighters. First, I need to figure out their schedule...

I got lost in my thoughts once again, occasionally shoving food in my mouth. Lunch ended with the eldest, Rex, leaving the table first, and I quickly followed afterwards, hurrying to my own room.

I gotta start preparing some recipes to use in the future. I should create my own recipe book to use for now.

I grabbed a few pieces of paper and thanked the author for allowing pens to exist, or else I would be stuck writing with a feather.

Lets see, I'll start with cookies first, then brownies and cupcakes, then real cakes... Oh! And I can't forget to write down some jam recipes, and breads...

Time passed quickly and I wrote until my wrist was sore. I organized the pile of papers and stacked them to the side of my desk, before deciding to put them away in my desk drawer.

I picked up the book on alchemy that Sir Leonard had given to me, and opened it up, deciding to take a break from all the writing.

I flopped on my bed and opened the book to the first page of writing.

Alchemy, also known as potion-craft, is a delicate art that can only be mastered by individuals who have trained extensively and devoted themselves to the craft. To begin... 

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