Chapter 67

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Time passed as we talked away on my bed. After introducing the twins to a ton of different wonderful desserts, we decided to change the topic to our studies.

"What are you two most excited about learning?"

"I want to learn sword fighting!" Kai exclaimed. "Commander Landon is allowing me to train soon, and I can't wait."

"I don't know what I'm excited about," Kira admitted. "Nothing is interesting."

"Yeah I understand that," I sighed. "I want to learn magic and alchemy, but Sir Leonard says it's too early for me."

I looked at Kai and replied, "Sword fighting sounds fun though. Maybe you'll join us in the morning for training too?"

He looked at me a little confused.

"You train as well, Corvalia? How come?"

I shrugged.

"I promised Commander Landon that I would and I haven't quit yet. I don't really want to learn sword fighting, but staying active is important."

"Can I join as well?" Kira asked, sounding more interested now.

"I mean, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to," I replied. "Maybe you'll find that you enjoy exercising."

Someone knocked on the door at that moment. Isaac's muffled voice came through, yelling, "Dinner is ready, head to the dining room!"

The three of us scrambled off my bed and put our shoes back on before heading into the hallway for dinner.

During the meal, I saw Kai and Kira murmuring to each other softly, but I couldn't catch their words. We all went our separate ways afterwards, and I headed towards the kitchen.

Talking about desserts with the twins gave me some ideas. If we have rice, it would be super easy to turn it into rice dough, then fill and wrap it to make mochi or tangyuan.

Since dinner just ended, the kitchen was quite busy, so I told Chef Cooke that I would explore the garden a bit before coming back to ask him the question. He nodded in confirmation and went back to the dishes he was washing.

I walked outside and walked towards the vegetable garden, hoping that I could find what I was looking for.

Please, please have them... Yes!

Red beans! Exactly what I needed to make an amazing red bean paste filling.

I tried inspecting the pods, looking to see if the red beans were ready for picking, and it appeared that they were.

This garden is like my haven. I can't even imagine the amount of magic used to maintain this place.

Chef Cooke opened the door, knocking on the doorframe to alert me of his presence.

"What was the question you wanted to ask Lady Corvalia?"

"I just want to know if the kitchen has white rice anywhere."

Please say you do, please say you do...

"Of course! Let me show you where it is!"


I followed him back into the kitchen, eagerly thinking about chewing on some rice cakes and red-bean filling mochi. 

A/N: I reached 50k views this past week which is a huge milestone for me! Thank you so much for all the reads and votes, I appreciate every last one of you! 

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