Chapter 78

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After dinner, I headed back to my room instead of going directly to the kitchen so that Mrs. Abbott wouldn't ask me any questions. After waiting a few minutes, I grabbed a book from my room and scurried off to the kitchen.

On the way there, I mentally prepared myself for making butter, since I had forgotten to ask the kitchen maids to make extra in the morning.

Curse me for being so dumb. Next time I need to remember!

When I reached the kitchen, I looked left and right down the hallway and slipped inside.

To my surprise, Lionel was already standing there, holding his own book.

"Were you waiting for me?" I asked, setting my book on the counter and opening the oven.

The grapes were sufficiently dry, so I took them out and set them on the counter.

"I was," he replied. "What are these things?"

"They're raisins. Dried grapes."

I took out another mason jar and filled it with heavy cream.

"Remember that time I asked you to make butter?" I turned to Lionel holding out the jar to him.

"Seriously!? Why do you dump the worst work onto me!?" He complained, snatching the jar out of my hands.

"Sorry! Next time I'll ask the kitchen to make some extra butter for when I'm planning to bake."

Lionel sighed in annoyance, but got to shaking the jar as hard as possible.

As for me, I pulled out the rest of the ingredients I would be needing. Flour, oats, eggs, sugar, and a little bit of powdered cinnamon for extra flavoring. I first sifted the dry ingredients together into a bowl and incorporated them together.

As I waited for Lionel to shake the butter, which would take a while, I searched through the cabinets for molasses and vanilla extract, hoping to find some.

To my dismay, there was no vanilla extract, meaning I would have to make my own. However, there was molasses, which was a plus.

That's going to be a problem. I can't make vanilla extract without alcohol and there is no way any adult is going to hand a bottle of vodka over to a child.

I arranged all the ingredients, and got out another bowl and metal whisk so that I could mix the wet ingredients once the butter was ready.

"Want to switch for a bit?" I asked Lionel.

He handed over the jar, shaking his arms to relieve his muscles a bit.

"So what is it you plan to make, exactly?" he asked.

"A less sweet version of oatmeal raisin cookies."

"I think Mrs. Abbott has it out for you and Rex specifically," Lionel commented after a moment of silence. "I get why she hates Rex, but I don't know why she has it out for you too."

"Why would she hate Rex more than the rest of us?" I wondered.

Lionel scoffed. "Obviously it's because he's first in line for the Duke's title. He's the oldest, which means he gets everything after Father dies."

"I see... And since she's working for Lady Catherine she wants Isaac to have the title, right?"

"Yep," Lionel nodded, taking the jar back.

"What a pain," I complained. "I'm tempted to not make her anything at all! Why does she hate me though? It's not like I can get the title of Duke."

Lionel shrugged. "I'm not sure, but maybe we'll be able to figure it out in the future."

I thought to myself as Lionel continued to shake the jar of cream.

Maybe I can ask Sir Leonard in class tomorrow. He might think of a few reasons. 

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