Chapter 21

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After a few minutes of waiting, the library door opened up, revealing Sir Leonard.

"Lady Corvalia!" he said, after seeing me behind the table. "You are already here? I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

"It's alright," I replied. "I came early because I didn't have anything else to do."

"I see, then would you like to start the class early? Since we are already here."

"Alright, that's fine with me. Do you have another test for me to take?"

Sir Leonard placed his briefcase on the table and pulled out another packet of papers.

"Yesterday, we determined that your English and Math skills were above average, so I have a more difficult test in those two subjects. As for History, we will start from the beginning, so I don't have any questions about history."

"Okay, then I will start now."

I closed the alchemy book and placed it to the side. I picked up a pencil and flipped open the first page.

"Your time limit is 40 minutes, but I think you will be finished before the time is up," Sir Leonard flashed me a smile as he took a look at his pocket watch.

The questions in the English section were harder this time, containing reading comprehension and harder grammar questions. For the most part though, it was still very easy, and it mainly contained content that people likely learned in high school. The math section was also more difficult, containing complicated algebraic equations and word problems meant to confuse the reader. However, everything was easily solvable without the use of higher level math.

Since calculators don't exist in this world, the math shouldn't be difficult. English will only get hard at the highest level, such as writing research papers or formal documents, but I doubt I would do any of that as a seven year old.

The test flew by quickly, and I finished in only 25 minutes. I handed it over to Sir Leonard and watched as he graded the papers.

"The book on alchemy that you gave me yesterday," I started speaking, "Were you the one who wrote it?"

Sir Leonard replied, "Yes, I am the author. I wrote it specifically for beginners in the alchemy area who might find it difficult to comprehend the higher-level textbooks written by others."

He looked up at me, "Is it to your liking?"

"I really like it so far," I said, kicking my feet under the table in excitement. "It's easy to understand, and you even have pictures and diagrams of all the materials and processes involved in different potions to go along with it."

"I was wondering," I continued, "If you have time this afternoon at around 3 o'clock would you like to join me and my younger siblings for some tea? I'll be preparing some food and refreshments myself."

He hesitated for a moment before replying. "I wouldn't want to intrude on your time with family."

"I insist," I replied, stubbornly. "I would like you to try the food I've made. It's likely something you've never had before."

We went back and forth, with him trying to politely refuse and with me insisting that he should come, until he either got tired of trying to argue or gave up on attempting to get out of the meeting and just accepted my invitation.

"Alright then," Sir Leonard sighed, "I will see you there."

"Perfect!" I said, clapping my hands together. 

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