Chapter 48

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The strength training was absolutely awful. Every muscle in my body was aching, and I was also covered in dirt and dust, so I first cleaned myself off in my washroom before heading to breakfast.

I had to do push ups, curl ups, pull ups, and every terrible exercise you could possibly think of that would make you stronger. Some of them, I couldn't even do, because I was far too weak and exhausted. Half the time I laid on the ground, catching my breath and watching my brothers train.

While eating breakfast, my arms were sore and I could barely lift my utensils.

This is terrible. If I'm doing this badly already, how will I feel tomorrow when the soreness really sets in.

Sir Leonard's class was a little bit of fresh air.

"I heard from my brother that you had quite an exciting morning," he said to me, smiling in amusement.

"I guess you could say that," I said, flopping down on the chair, preparing for another class.

"Before we get started, I have some good news for you."

"Really? Is it about Lady Catherine? And our class?"

"You guessed it," he replied, leaning back in his seat. "Lady Catherine has agreed to extend our class time."

"That's great!" I said, perking up. "Wait, but how am I supposed to have class and train at the same time?"

"The times don't overlap. You will still be able to train with your brothers in the afternoon."

"Alright then," I sighed, really not wanting to do even more exercise. At least there was a little bit of good news today.

"Let's get started then!"


Class was pretty boring, as always, but I paid attention, jotting down notes to be prepared for the next day's quiz. My arms were shaking as I moved my pen. A testament to how weak Corvalia's arms were right now.

Lunch came quickly, and it was back into the classroom for me. Learning about politics was a bit more difficult than history, but it was far more interesting. Sir Leonard clearly knew a lot about high society.

"What are some rumors that people spread about me?" I asked.

"Why would you want to hear that?"

"I'm just curious. I want to know what people seem to think of me!"

"Well..." Sir Leonard hesitated a little bit. "A lot of rumors in the past were about your attitude, but now they have died down quite a bit because you haven't really done anything drastic in public."

"But what about the scene in front of the knights?" I asked.

"That was kept private," he explained. "I only know about the incident because at that time, I was already hired to start as your tutor."

"I was kind of hoping there would be more outrageous rumors about me," I admitted. "Sounds like everything they said was really just the truth, based on my past behavior."

"Why would you want that!?" he laughed.

"It would be funnier if I could prove them wrong in the future."

"Well, you definitely appear to act differently than what the rumors say," Sir Leonard told me. "But now, it's the end of class. It's time for your next training session with your brothers."

I groaned and laid my head down while Sir Leonard laughed across the table. 

Author's Note: For anyone who has been to school, which subject is/was your favorite and least favorite? My favorite is probably English, and I've always hated any kind of Science class. 

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