Chapter 3

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I left the room with the paper in my pocket. As I walked down the hallway to the dining room, I tried to sort through the memories in my head and see if there was anything I could use.

I cringed as I realized just how awful of a person Corvalia was. She was rude and snobby to everyone, especially her younger siblings and workers she saw as beneath her.

There's no way I'm going to be able to act like her, I thought. I should just change her personality starting now.

I had to start slowly first. I didn't want to suddenly go from being a devil to becoming an angel in just one night.

I reached the door and the knight standing guard in front of it grabbed onto the door handle. As he pulled it open, he announced, "Miss Corvalia is here."

I entered the room, feeling some eyes on me. I ignored them as I sat down in my seat, then looked up and saw most of my other siblings already here.

The door opened again and Lionel, the second oldest, appeared.

"Sir Lionel has arrived," the guard announced, before shutting the door again.

He walked towards the table and sat down in his seat. Since all seven of us were present, the servants started to serve the food. Our father rarely ate with us, and neither did the current duchess.

On the plate I saw steaming piles of vegetables and meat. They filled our glasses with ice cold water.

I pulled from my knowledge of fine dining etiquette and tried to eat as neatly as possible. As soon as I lifted the forkful of veggies to my mouth, I immediately knew something was wrong.

The food tasted so...bland! Disgusting!

I took a second look at the food on my plate, and found that the vegetables were just boiled in water. The meat was completely unseasoned, not even a single flake of black pepper in sight.

I glanced up at my siblings as they ate, but apparently this was completely normal to them, because their faces revealed no disgust.

No way... I thought. How can they not even put any salt on the food! Don't they need it to live!?

A memory suddenly appeared in my head. Corvalia was taking some kind of pill that looked suspiciously like a small chunk of rock salt.

They can't be serious...can they? Do they really expect people to take salt as if it's some kind of medicine?

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