Chapter 73

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"Hello Sir Leonard!"

"Hello, Lady Corvalia," he replied, noticing the plate I put on the desk. "Is this another one of your food creations?"

"Yep, it is. I call it mochi. Would you like to try some?"

"I would be happy to," he replied, popping one piece with strawberry filling into his mouth and chewing on it.

"It's made out of rice and strawberry sauce. The rice is pounded to become super sticky and chewy, then wrapped around a filling. I'm trying to see if there are any improvements I can make on the taste," I said, as Sir Leonard chewed on the piece of mochi.

"I like that it isn't as sweet as the jam you made before," he commented. "I'm not used to eating large amounts of sugar, or very sweet fruits. But this is a good compromise, I think. The strawberry provides the flavor and the rice provides texture."

"There is a different filling too," I said, excited to receive some feedback. "This one is red bean. This is my preferred filling, I think the red bean taste is just paired better with the rice dough."

He tried that one, and nodded in agreement.

"The strawberry adds acidity to the flavor, but the red bean is just purely sweet. It feels much smoother as well," he commented again. "I agree with you, I think this red bean filling is better."

He sounds like a foodie. I should get his opinion on my food more often.

"But don't think that this can distract me from your lessons," Sir Leonard smirked. "You have a test today."

I sighed, a little disappointed, "Yeah, I know."

"Look on the bright side," he replied. "If you do well on this test, we can get through your lessons faster."


Thankfully, I did decent on the test, and Sir Leonard congratulated me on remembering the history facts.

After class, Lionel was waiting for me outside the library. Sir Leonard bid us goodbye and left, but Lionel ushered me back into the library.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, curiously.

"Wait a minute. Rex and Isaac are on their way."

"Is something wrong?" I asked, confused. "Why are we all gathering here?"

The door to the library opened up, and the other two gathered around me. They spoke in a hushed whisper.

"I heard that Lady Catherine is hiring a separate etiquette teacher for us," Isaac said softly.

"I've heard about that teacher. Apparently she's extremely strict," Rex added.

"Lady Catherine is so useless when it comes to our education," Lionel complained. Before he could continue, Rex and Isaac shushed him.

"You need to be more careful with what you say," Rex whispered harshly.

"Am I the only one who doesn't understand what's happening?" I interjected.

"Corvalia, you need to be careful," Lionel told me, gripping my shoulders. "Lady Catherine definitely hates you the most for some reason."

"Can you explain more clearly? Is she trying to hurt us in some way?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it for now," Isaac told me. "Lady Catherine might change her mind about the new teacher. But if she does end up hiring someone else, follow her directions for the time being. We don't want Lady Catherine to get too suspicious of your sudden change in behavior."

I think she already knows at this point, but I guess I should follow along. Something important is probably happening.

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