Chapter 10

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This girl must be some kind of genius! I thought as I graded her papers.

When she said she finished the test, I was skeptical, since most children her age would take at least twice the time to complete a test of that difficulty. However, she even managed to get every question correct!

Besides the history portion of the test, Corvalia did everything perfectly, and in less than half the amount of time it would normally take.

I saw her walking towards me carrying a few thick books.

I got up out of my seat, saying, "My Lady! Would you like some help with those?"

It seems like my brother's impression of her was wrong. Maybe I should ask him when he has some spare time.

Corvalia's POV (present time)

After Sir Leonard found the books he wanted to give to me, he helped carry them back to my room. Since I finished the test a lot faster than expected, my lessons ended earlier, and Sir Leonard left with a bow.

I sat at my desk in my room, and thought of what to do next.

It's not lunch time yet, so I still have a few hours to relax before going into the kitchen. Should I start reading some books? I thought to myself.

I looked at my closet again, noticing that my pile of clothes were still on the ground.

Oh right. I forgot about that!

I jumped out of my seat and walked over to the closet.

I should organize first. I can read at night.

I spent the rest of the two hours dumping all of the awful looking dresses on the floor, and instead hanging up the clothes in the boxes. After organizing, I found out that Corvalia had another, even larger closet connected to the room, with even more clothing.

This is ridiculous! It will take me at least a year to get through everything! I thought to myself in disbelief as I stared at the walk-in closet area.

This girl is like seven years old. Why does she already have so much clothes! This is such a huge waste of fabric...

I looked at the giant clock hung on the wall, and noticed it was close to lunchtime.

I got up from the floor and stretched, smoothing out the wrinkles on my dress.

Alright, time to go to the kitchen. I thought, as I opened the door.

Wait, which direction do I go in? 

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