Chapter 19

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After getting Corvalia's memories, I recognized the maid. However, It seemed like Corvalia never even learned her name, or she might have just forgotten it.

"What's your name?" I asked, trying to sound as confident as possible in my high-pitched seven-year-old voice.

The maid looked taken aback, "Why would you need to know my name? You have never needed it before."

She looked slightly nervous, and I was annoyed at her rude behavior.

"I asked you what your name was. Give it right now, or I'll tell my father how you've been taking jewelry from my boxes."

I was going to ask for a new maid anyways, but she didn't need to know that yet. From Corvalia's memories, I could see that the maid was super shady, and was trying to sabotage Corvalia in some way by getting her to dress so ridiculously.

"M-my name is Molly," the maid stuttered after I threatened her.

My stepmother might have sent her. I thought

Corvalia's birth mother had died during childbirth, and the duchess, Catherine, was currently Claudius's (the duke's) third wife. She had given birth to the twins and the youngest, Ryan. She also happened to hate the other children she didn't give birth to since they were all older, and Catherine's sons were last in line for the title of Duke.

That Catherine lady must be trying to ruin Corvalia's social standing so that no one wants to marry her. Well, good thing I came into this body just in time. I won't allow her reputation to be ruined any further.

"Well, Molly, I no longer need your help dressing every morning. Also, request a clothing merchant or clothing store owner to visit me as soon as possible," I ordered her to do.

I sat back down in my chair after dismissing her from my room.

Still only 7:40. Should I leave a bit early to visit the kitchen again? I should ask where they keep the yeast starter, so I don't have to find it myself.

I got out of my seat, checked my outfit in the mirror to make sure it was appropriate, and took off toward the kitchen.

When I arrived, the kitchen was busy preparing our breakfast. The same chef from yesterday saw me and hurried over to greet me as I stood by the door.

"Lady Corvalia! It's nice to see you again, I made sure none of the workers would touch the jars of... stuff that you made, so there's no need to worry about them!" He said to me in a hurry.

"Thank you, I appreciate it. I realized yesterday that I never learned your name, could you tell me right now?" I replied.

He said, "Of Course! Please forgive me for not introducing myself properly! I am Lycan Cooke, the head chef of the Voltaire family."

...Lycan Cooke? The author has a real sense of humor.

"Chef Cooke," I started, "I plan on making some dough after my classes are over. Could you tell me where you keep the yeast starter for your loaves of bread?"

"Yeast starter? We keep it here, in the cabinet," He showed me where it was located. A large metal bowl, covered with a few layers of cloth to keep it from being contaminated.

"That's perfect," I exclaimed, clapping my hands in excitement. A fresh loaf of sourdough bread, sliced into nice thick pieces and slathered in different jams that I made.

"You won't mind if I come in and make the dough myself right? I'd prefer to do it alone, without anyone here. And I'll leave it to rise until the afternoon when I will bake it," I started rambling to myself.

Chef Cooke (What a ridiculous name) answered me, "Yes! You are welcome in the kitchen whenever you want. We will not disturb your bread, I swear on my life!"

Well, there's no need to get that serious. 

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