Chapter 57

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"Whoa... this dress is really nice too."

I pointed at the picture, showing Lionel, while I waited for Amanda.

"I don't see the difference between this dress and all the other ones," Lionel complained.

That's because you are blind to fashion.

I didn't actually say that, of course. 

Amanda made another appearance, this time with a man I assumed was the boss or designer.

He bowed towards me and Lionel, saying, "It's an honor to have you in my store Lord Lionel and Lady Corvalia. My name is Alexander. Is there something you wanted to request?"

"Yes." I replied, setting down the catalog book. "I have a lot of dresses at home that I don't like. I was wondering if I could salvage a few before completely tossing them. And I was hoping you could take a look at them."

"Of course, I would love to!" he said. "May I visit two days from now in the morning?"

I thought about my schedule, and realized how busy I was despite being only seven years old.

"I don't have time then. Can you come in a week from today? At around 2 in the afternoon?"

"Yes, definitely! That time works. I look forward to my visit. Thank you, Lady Corvalia."

"And there's one more thing, actually," I said, pointing at the dress in the display. "Can I get a dress like that in my size?"

"I can do that. Please, allow Amanda to take your measurements."

I stood up from the couch, but then I turned towards Lionel.

"You should get one too." I said.

He looked startled.

"A dress!? You want me to wear a dress!?" he yelled in shock.

"No! No, no, no," I backtracked. "I meant, you should get an outfit too!"

I flipped the catalog book to another page that I had previously looked at.

"This one would look good on you." I looked up at Alexander. "Can you make it blue instead of white to match his hair?"

Both Alexander and Lionel looked at the page I was pointing at.

"I can make this blue, if Lord Lionel would like it."

"Wait a second," Lionel interrupted. "Corvalia, how are you going to pay for your dresses? And for the blacksmith? I don't think you've gotten permission or funds from Lady Catherine for anything you are doing."

"Don't worry, I have it figured out." I patted my satchel, which contained a few pieces of jewelry.

"I'm going to sell all of the jewelry I hate."

"I never said I was worried," Lionel grumped.

He stood up from the sofa as well. "I'll take this outfit in blue too, then."

"Wonderful! Please, follow me. I'll take your measurements, Lord Lionel." Alexander rushed off into another room with Lionel behind him.

I followed Amanda into another dressing room, where she pulled out a tape measure and started taking my measurements.

Is she married? Alexander is probably her husband then... It's so cute that they work together. 

A/N: Watty's Shortlist just came out and unfortunately I didn't make it, but there is always next time, I suppose. 

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