Chapter 18

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After sneaking back to my room in the darkness, I tossed and turned in my bed, trying to fall asleep. Eventually, my eyes shut, and when I opened them, it was morning again.

I got dressed in another plain dress, before sitting in my chair, and staring at the other books I had been given by Sir Leonard.

Today is a good opportunity to get closer to Sir Leonard. I should invite him to tea with my siblings this afternoon and show off more of my baking skills.

Not to mention, his brother is one of the best sword fighters and leaders the world has to offer. Too bad he was killed off for plot reasons.

If I were able to build a good connection with the first order of knights in my family, that would grant me a huge amount of protection in the future. The problem was, I knew that they didn't have a really good opinion of me.

The previous Corvalia had never really personally met these knights, but they had all heard rumors spread through the workers of the mansion as well as through noble connections, since many of the knights also came from lesser noble families.

They probably think of me as a little tyrant. Well, there's no time like the present to change their opinions of me. But first, I need an excuse to talk to them, or else they will think I'm suspicious.

I took a look at the clock.

7:00. That's a bit early.

Breakfast was served at 8:00 and my class began at 9:00. That got me thinking a bit, too.

I would have expected my lessons to last a lot longer into the afternoon. I wonder why they are so short? Maybe it's because I'm still young.

Well, I still have about an hour. I guess I should continue reading for a while.

I picked up Sir Leonard's alchemy book again and flipped to the section I left off.

After about 20 minutes of reading, I was still staring intently at the words on the book, when I heard a knock on the door.

"Lady Corvalia, it's time to wake up!"

"Come in!"

I saw the maid from yesterday look surprised as she walked through the door, but she composed herself quickly once she saw me looking at her.

"What are you doing in that dress?" she asked, while walking over to me.

"Here, let me help you out of it," the maid said while grabbing my arm in a not-so-nice way and almost dragging me out of my chair.

"Hey!" I yelled, yanking my arm back. "I chose this dress myself! I want to wear it today. From now on, I don't need your help choosing outfits, I'll do it myself!"

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