Chapter 61

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What a long day it's been... I thought, as I walked out of the jewelry store.

After finishing all of my tasks, I suddenly felt my social battery completely drained.

Erik, was enthusiastically escorting us out of his shop, and waved at us as we exited the store.

While walking back down the street, Lionel asked, "Anything else you need to do?"

I shrugged. "Don't think so. Should we head back now?"

"Or, we could just walk around for a bit longer," Lionel suggested. "Is that alright, Commander Landon? I want to see the town a bit more."

"We can stay out until sundown. Then we have to return home for dinner," he replied.

"Which direction should we go?" I asked Lionel.

"I want to go inside the capital's library. Follow me, I know the direction,"

Lionel and I meandered around the town, taking our time (although he may have had to drag me away from a few stalls).

He was leading me closer to the center of town, where the public service buildings were mostly located. As I walked up the steps of the library, the door opened automatically once we stepped near it, ushering us inside.

"Whoa..." I whispered under my breath. "This place is so beautiful."

"It's the largest library in the country. I'm going to go borrow a few books. Do you want to wait here?" he murmured, keeping his voice quiet to not disturb everyone else.

"Let's meet up in 15 minutes. I want to find something to read too," I whispered back, before we both split up.

Commander Landon decided to follow me, and let Lionel go off to do his own thing. I walked around, trying to find a section about food or recipes.

Unfortunately, it seemed like this library was similar to the one at home. Even after extensive searching, reading labels on shelves, and searching through titles, I had no luck finding any recipe books of any kind.

I sighed in disappointment, and instead just chose two books from the enormous alchemy section.

One was a simple recipe book for low level potions. Another was a list of common potion ingredients and all of their purposes and uses.

I met back with Lionel, and he borrowed the books for me, since I wasn't registered in the library.

"Which books did you get, Lionel?" I asked, curious.

"One is sword fighting, another is about fire magic, and the other is for plant magic." he answered, as we walked out of the library, ready to head home.

"Learning plant magic already?" Commander Landon asked. "I thought that was relatively difficult compared to the other elements."

"Sounds exciting. I want to learn alchemy but Sir Leonard says I have to study other things first."

"Even I haven't gotten to the alchemy level yet. Rex has only just started learning it. It will be a while before you can begin," Lionel told me.

I huffed in disappointment, trudging along the path. My feet were starting to hurt a bit from walking for so long, but I persevered forward. The walk back to the estate was as quiet as the walk to the town, but this time, I felt more at peace, enjoying the cool breeze and listening to the shaking of the leaves. 

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