Chapter 42

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I really hope Lady Catherine allows my class time to be extended. Maybe she thinks I'm so dumb, I still wouldn't be able to learn anything even if I spend a full day in class.

I walked back to my room and thought about all of Corvalia's siblings.

Corvalia and Lionel have the same mother. Isaac, Kai, Kira, and Ryan are all Lady Catherine's children. Rex's mother died after giving birth to him.

In the original story of The Blessed Princess, Lady Catherine was not mentioned often, except to emphasize that she very clearly wanted her oldest son, Isaac, to inherit the duke's legacy. She didn't pay much attention to her other children either.

Lady Catherine did her best to sabotage the oldest two sons, Lionel and Rex. Whenever Corvalia acted out, Catherine would send those two to stop her in order to distract them from their training.

I have to get on Isaac's good side, but there is no way Lady Catherine will allow us any opportunity to meet and talk. My only chance to get to know him better is through Lionel and Rex, or through our mealtimes.

Out of all the siblings, Isaac was the only one I hadn't met yet, and I needed to find a chance to interact with the older brothers more often.

Back in my bedroom, I sat down at my seat and started brainstorming some ideas.

The best way to meet them is probably through sword and weapons training, but there is no way they would let a girl attend those kinds of classes. I need some kind of excuse.

The knights trained every day, and my brothers would receive their lessons alongside the knights.

How am I supposed to get close to the knights when I've basically been banned from going near them? I'm sure I could get an opportunity to meet Sir Leonard's brother if I ask him, but I don't want to appear too desperate.

As I sat and ruminated over some ideas, it suddenly dawned on me that Corvalia had never apologized for the tantrum she threw in front of the knights.

This is perfect! I can use this apology as an opportunity to rebuild any semblance of a relationship.

Feeling reenergized at my brilliant idea, I immediately jumped out of my chair and headed straight for the door.

I walked to the knight's training area, feeling more and more anxious as I got closer to the knights.

Maybe I shouldn't have come here without coming up with a more detailed plan. What will I even say?

It was too late to turn back around though. I approached the dirt field where I saw knights training and a man who looked similar to Sir Leonard walked towards me before I even reached the entrance.

"Lady Corvalia," he said, "I believe you know that you aren't allowed in this area."

He stood over me, almost threateningly.

This is absolutely terrifying.

"Commander Landon," I said, praying in my head that I wouldn't start crying from a nervous breakdown. "I'm here to apologize for acting out in front of the knights. I promise I won't do it again. I'm willing to do whatever it takes in order to regain your trust."

Commander Landon did not look impressed in the slightest.

"Did Lady Catherine ask you to apologize?" he asked.

"No, she didn't," I said truthfully. "I came here on my own. I really, truly, regret my actions. I want to make up for it."

The commander looked surprised when I said I wasn't sent here by Lady Catherine.

"Do you know what mistakes you made?" he asked me, sounding more polite and less aggressive now.

"I was rude to the knights, and I insulted them without knowing what they do, or how hard they work. I hope I can get a chance to make up for my mistakes in the past, Commander Landon."

Dang it Corvalia! Why'd you have to go and act so shamefully in front of these people!? Now I have to stand here and make up for your mistakes...

"If you want to make up for it, you can start by first understanding what a soldier has to go through every day." Commander Landon started to say, "So, run a lap around the training area."

"Run a lap?" I repeated back to him, looking around the giant arena. "Okay then, I guess."

If this is what it takes then I guess I'd better do it. I thought as I started running. Having short little child legs is going to be a massive pain though. Maybe I should get some better clothes later on for this kind of training. 

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