Chapter 93

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As I carefully ate my food, Rex just sat there, watching me.

I felt pretty uncomfortable, so after I swallowed my first bite, I asked, "Are you going to say anything?"

"I'm trying to think of how I should word it..." Rex mumbled.

"Why?" I said without another mouthful of food. "Are you going to ask me something bad?"

"Not bad, but probably uncomfortable," he replied.

Then he gave it a bit more thought and said, "Okay, maybe it is a little bad."

"Just tell me directly, I think I can handle the truth."

I started eating again, and Rex asked me, "Are you even the real Corvalia?"

That caught me off guard, and I accidentally swallowed a grain of rice the wrong way, and began coughing. Rex launched out of his seat to hit me on the back and stop me from choking.

"Am I right then? You aren't her, are you?" Rex asked, continuing to pat me on the back, and hand me a handkerchief.

I took the cloth and wiped my mouth with it, looking up at him warily.

"What makes you think I'm not Corvalia?" I asked.

"You just referred to yourself as 'Corvalia' instead of 'myself.' Your personality change was too drastic, and it looked like you couldn't remember certain things about Corvalia, or yourself."

He sat back down in his chair, and I pushed food around on the plate with my fork, trying to think of the best way to explain the situation.

"You're right," I finally admitted. "I'm not the real Corvalia. I don't know what happened to the original, but I just woke up in her body."

"Is it like those stories in the library?" Rex asked. "Lionel showed me one about this peasant entering into a knight's body. I can't quite remember the name of it though..."

"It's a genre called transmigration, and that's what happened to me."

I think I'll save the information about them being fictional characters in a book until the future to reveal.

"Who were you beforehand?" Rex asked me.

"That's not really important anymore," I sighed sadly. "I died."

"What!?" he yelled, shocked at this reveal. "You died!? But how?"

"I got hit by a car- carriage!" I quickly switched it up at the end.

That was really close...

"That's awful... How could someone's driver be so careless!" Rex complained. "Do you remember the crest on the carriage? Maybe I could avenge your past life."

"Nope, I don't remember it. You seem to be taking this information pretty well though, do you not care that I've taken over your sister's body?"

"You are way more enjoyable to be around. Although, I can't help but wonder what happened to the real Corvalia. How did you end up replacing her?" he wondered out loud.

I thought about that too and the only answer I have is that she probably also died... I don't really want to think about that too hard though...

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