Chapter 25

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It was hard not to check on the bread every few minutes, but I stopped myself from lifting the cloth up before the bread was finished resting.

After around thirty to forty minutes, I took the bread back out and shaped it into a round ball shape, keeping it symmetrical. After shaping the dough, I placed it back in the bowl to continue resting until the afternoon

All around me, the kitchen was busy working. They cooked the foods, sliced the vegetables and meat, and plated the foods into dishes. If I looked closer, however, no one seasoned anything. There was no sprinkling of salt and pepper onto the meat, no spices floating along the top of the soup, not even a single leaf of cilantro.

In just a few minutes, that was what I was going to eat.

Not wanting to disturb those who were working, I left the kitchen quietly. My bread was left in the corner of the counter, another cloth laid over it.

I walked down the hallway and into the dining room, nodding my head at the guard in greeting. I sat down in my seat, the first person there, and opened my book to begin reading again.

Another person walked through the door. It was the youngest, Ryan. Behind him were the twins, Kai and Kira. They silently took their seats, staring into their laps yet again.

If it was possible to die of boredom, they would have passed a long time ago.

"Kai, Kira, Ryan," I said. Their heads snapped towards me all at once. "Near the knight's training area, I have an area set up for the afternoon. Be there by around three o'clock."

All three of them nodded their heads in sync.

Kira spoke up, however, asking, "W-when did you learn how to read...?" Her voice trailed off near the end of her question, as if she was unsure whether or not she was allowed to talk.

"I just happened to pick it up a while ago," I said.

I forgot that kids aren't born with the ability to read books like these... Why didn't Sir Leonard question it? Maybe he just assumed it came with being a genius.

"If you'd like, I can teach you," I offered.

"I'm g-grateful, but no thanks!" she blurted quickly, face red from embarrassment.

The door suddenly opened, as the knight announced the arrival of the other boys, and all conversation ceased.

That's too bad, maybe I'll convince her in the future. I've always wanted a younger sister. 

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