Chapter 24

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After the lecture, Sir Leonard told me to review the information we went over and to preview the next lesson before tomorrow.

Since there was still some time before lunch began, I decided to head outside towards the training area of the knights. Outside the training area, there was a small clearing with a gazebo and trees surrounding it. A table and chairs were set up in the gazebo, each seat with its own set of cutlery placed in front of it.

A maid noticed me and called out, "Lady Corvalia!"

She hurried over before bowing and saying, "The table is all set up, if there is anything else you need, please just speak to any maid and we will get it done."

"What's your name?" I asked.

She stood straight in surprise before bowing again. "M-my name is Emma, Lady Corvalia."

I nodded, "Thank you, Emma, for setting the table up. After lunch, wait for me in the kitchen. I'll be preparing the food for the guests I invited."

"Uhh, yes of course, Lady Corvalia!" she replied before scurrying away.

This place is close to the training center, but it's still considered outside. We get a good view of the knights training too. Surely they won't be able to complain about this.

After taking a closer look at the setup of the table, I was satisfied with how it looked and entered the kitchen to make the dough and allow it to rise.

When I entered the kitchen, there was no one there yet, so I quickly got out the ingredients and started to toss them into a large bowl.

Yeast, water, and olive oil... Mix them together and... Add in the flour and salt.

I worked efficiently, using my fingers to make sure everything was properly incorporated. I wet a kitchen towel with water and let it rest over the top of the bowl, allowing the dough to sit for around 30 minutes.

I should have brought my book in here to read... I'll go get it right now.

After opening the door, I saw that some of the kitchen staff were standing right outside.

They looked at me in surprise, but I told them, "Do whatever you need to do, I won't disturb you. I'm just getting something from my room really quickly."

I rushed through the hallways and grabbed my alchemy book from my desk before speed-walking back to the kitchen.

Chef Cooke was instructing the staff when I returned, and he gave me a smile before returning to his duties.

I dragged my dough to the side of the kitchen, away from where everyone else was working and sat on the counter.

All I have to do is wait and then bake. Finally, my first taste of good food is almost here. 

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