Chapter 49

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A week went by, following the same schedule. I would wake up early, join my brothers for their training, eat breakfast, then go to Sir Leonard's class. I'd eat lunch, attend class again, train again, eat again, and end my day by taking a bath and studying.

Rex and Isaac even gave me two extra sets of training clothes so that I wouldn't have to wear the same set every single day.

Unfortunately, my athletic skills did not improve in just a week. The beginning of day two of training, I woke up feeling sore all over my body. The rest of the week was no different. Every day, Commander Landon instructed us to run a lap, then work on different exercises; it would switch from arms, to legs, to abs, etc.

There was one occurrence that stood out during the week, however. As I was getting used to the schedule and the exercise, I was left with no time or energy to make any kind of dessert. However, Chef Cooke came up to me and asked if I could give him the exact recipes that I had used for my jams and bread, which I gladly wrote down in detail. In return, the kitchen started serving us a selection of jam along with sourdough bread for lunch and dinner. My siblings appeared rather happy about that.

After a week went by, I started to notice small improvements in my athletic abilities, although it was still close to nothing. My stamina was the main improvement, as it now took me an extra 10 seconds to get winded compared to before.

But after over a week of being unable to enter the kitchen and make a new dessert, I was feeling a little restless.

It was during lunch, before my next class, that I started to think about some new ideas.

I should figure out a way to make popsicles for all of the knights. I thought to myself. How do I make molds for the popsicles though? I'd have to figure that out first.

One solution would be to use tall champagne glasses to match the shape, and instead of sticks, I would use a fork. I decided to start prototyping after dinner, but in order to freeze the popsicles, I would need someone's help.

After another hard, grueling, training session, I pulled Lionel over to the side.

"Can you meet me in the kitchen thirty minutes after dinner?"

"Why?" he asked, crossing his arms into his signature pose.

"I need your help with something."

"If you're going to make me whisk something again for that long, I'm not coming."

"Don't worry!" I said. "This time, it's going to be much easier. I'm going to go take a bath now."

Speaking of baths, I grew to really love my bathroom. There was a gorgeous marble drop-in bath that was square shaped and right in the center of the floor. The water was always the perfect temperature, which I assumed was powered by magic in some way. One time, I saw a maid enter the bathroom to restock some supplies, like oils and soaps, and she even sprinkled flower petals into the water (which was kind of crazy). I felt so rich sitting in that bath every day, but I also felt out of place, because I was always either covered in dirt, sweat, or both after each training session.

After dinner ended, I entered the kitchen, which was thankfully completely alone.

Finally, I'm back in my element! Now, where do I find those champagne glasses... Hopefully I don't shatter any accidentally.

Author's Note: Ice-Cream or Popsicles? 

I would choose ice-cream any day, but popsicles are alright too. They melt too easily, in my opinions. 

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