Chapter 62

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We made it back to the estate just in time for dinner to be served. Commander Landon parted ways with Lionel and I once we entered the mansion and bowed to us before leaving.

"I'm going to change outfits. I'll meet you in the dining hall!" I said, rushing off to my room to get into something a little bit more comfortable.

Today's dinner had a serving of bread as well, which was great. It seemed like Chef Cooke had even tried to recreate my jams based on taste, and it seemed like he did a great job with them too, for not following any recipe.

The mark of true talent... Being able to make food based on taste alone.

When I got back to my room, I took a long bath, wishing that books were waterproof so that I could read them as I sat in the steaming warm water.

Since I didn't have any other work to do, I decided to pick up the book on common ingredients and start reading it.

I flopped down, stomach first onto my bed, setting a pencil and notepad to the side so I could take note of any interesting plants that I read about.

Seems like mint is used pretty commonly to improve the taste of potions... I can see that. I should try and get my hands on some. There has to be some kind of garden in this estate for alchemy ingredients. If I can figure out where it is, I might be able to use the ingredients for more desserts and potions.

Lots of common herbs and plants were used in potion making, which was great. Including things like lavender, which I could use to make an amazing bread and sugar syrup with.

I was tossing and turning around in my bed while flipping through the book when I heard a knock on my door.

"One second!" I yelled, scrambling to hide my book under my pillow.

I opened the door and peeked out to see Molly, standing there as if she hadn't disappeared for over a week.

"Molly! What did you want?" I asked, not impressed by her appearance.

"Miss Corvalia, I was just checking on you. I heard you went out today with Lionel?" she asked gently.

I was not having it with her.

"That's Lady Corvalia and Lord Lionel to you," I scoffed. "And what I do with my brother is none of your business."

Then I shut the door in her shocked face before returning back to my book as if nothing happened.

If Lady Catherine is still trying to sabotage me, there's no doubt in my mind that she's already heard of my change in behavior. If she ever has a problem, I guess that's for future me to deal with. 

A/N: Some people hate the taste of mint, which I don't understand. All I have to say to those people is that they need to get new taste buds because mint is a superior flavor without a doubt T-T

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