Chapter 47

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I ran until I literally could not take another step, and stopped dead in my tracks, breathing really hard. My brothers noticed this, and slowed down to wait for me.

Lionel got impatient, and said, "You can't even run this much? When I first started out, I at least made it all the way to the other side of the forest."

I couldn't even answer because I was too busy trying to get air into my lungs.

"Just... Give me a minute," I managed to say.

"We can't wait," Isaac said. I should have been surprised, as this was my first time hearing him speak to me, but I was too busy trying to stand on my wobbly legs.

"Alright, alright, I'll keep going," I said, standing up and starting to run again.

I barely remember what happened during the run, too tired and exhausted to even think about it. Eventually, I finished running and just collapsed into the grass breathing heavily and praying that I wasn't dying.

"It can't be that bad," Lionel complained, standing above me with his arms crossed.

"Ugh," I replied, unable to talk.

My lungs were gasping for air and my legs were burning in pain from pushing myself to continue running.

I managed to stand up, just to walk to a shaded area under a tree and sit back down, trying to cool myself off.

Commander Landon walked by, nodding in appreciation.

"You did well for your first time today. Better than yesterday's lap," he said.

"It's only going to get worse from here," Lionel warned. "We are doing strength training next. And tomorrow, your muscles will be even more sore than now. It takes time to build strength."

Commander Landon raised his eyebrows, and asked, "I thought you were only participating for one day's worth of training?"

"Huh? What? I thought I was doing it every day!" I said, feeling better now that I got some air into my lungs.

"If you want to come every day, I won't stop you," Commander Landon explained. "But I assumed you would only come for one day."

"Well, seeing as how bad my stamina is," I said, struggling to stand up. "I think I should get some training in."

"Your legs are shaking just from a short jog," Lionel stated in amazement.

"How was that just a short jog!?" I complained. "My legs are shorter than yours. And now they feel like melting popsicles."

"What's a popsicle?" All three brothers asked at once, all staring at me.

First of all, that is so creepy. It's like, twin telepathy or something. Second of all, I thought something as simple as popsicles would have existed here already, but I guess not.

"It's a dessert," I said. "I invented it myself, but I haven't had the chance to make it yet."

"How can you invent something without making it in the first place?" Rex asked, confused.

"I'll make it someday. I'll let you try it if you want. Anyways, what's the next exercise, Commander Landon?"

"Get ready for a world of pain," Lionel mocked.

Oh great, I'm already excited.

Author's Note: 

Does anyone here enjoy playing or participating in any kind of sport? I practice archery. It's not a very active sport like soccer (football for the non-Americans) or basketball, so I think it fits me perfectly, LOL. 

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