Chapter 20

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After extracting that promise out of Chef Cooke, I walked next door to the dining room and sat in my seat.

I was the last person to arrive, and soon after I sat down, our breakfast was served. I barely tasted the food, not only because it was unseasoned, but also because I was lost in my thoughts about meeting Sir Leonard again.

Should I prepare some kind of drink too? I completely forgot about that since I was too busy thinking about the bread and jam. What kind of drink should I make?

I thought about the fruits in the garden. I had plenty of options to choose from.

Maybe some fruit-infused tea would be nice. Which fruits should I choose? Raspberries, strawberries, those are some good options.

I finished my breakfast before excusing myself again. Before I walked out of the room, I said, "Kai, Kira, Ryan."

They looked up at me, eyes wide.

"I'll give you the location for our afternoon tea during lunch.," and then I left, closing the door behind me before I could see their expressions.

I looked at the knight standing guard in front of the door.

I may as well kill two birds with one stone and start building my relationship with the First Order starting now.

"Excuse me, are you a knight of the First Order?" I asked him.

"Yes, my lady, I am," he said, "Is there something you needed?"

"I was just wondering, are the knights going to be training in the afternoon? I want to have a tea party at that time with my siblings. Is that possible?"

The knight looked taken aback at my request, but responded with, "I will have the maids set up a table. How many people will be there?"

"Just have them set up seven chairs, and send a maid to find me after it is done. Thank you so much!" I turned and left before I could continue this awkward conversation.

I returned to my room and grabbed Sir Leonard's alchemy book before heading over to the library early.

I'll just wait for him to arrive. I thought. I have nothing else to do anyways.

I opened the book and started reading again. 

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