Chapter 32

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After everyone had a slice of bread on their plates, I also tried to pour everyone a glass of my limeade. Alina was right, though, the pitchers were quite heavy to lift. She saw that I struggled a little, and helped me pour it without saying a word.

I tried to take that time to think about what I should say next, but my mind was still blank.

"Is there any specific way you want us to eat the bread?" Sir Leonard asked, a kind smile on his face.

"Nothing specific. I made a few different types of jam for everyone to try out. Just spread it on the bread evenly and take a bite," I said, thankful that he started a conversation.

"Can I try more than one flavor?" Kai asked, staring up at me with big eyes.

"Yeah! Of course! You can try all of them if you want, but I wouldn't recommend mixing them together."

Alina finished pouring the drinks and we both sat down in the seats.

When I picked up one of the jars, everyone else also selected a flavor they wanted to try. Unfortunately, none of the kids, including me, could unscrew the jars.

Are you kidding me right now? How hard did I even tighten these jars up in the first place if I can't open them now?

"Do you need help, children?" Sir Leonard asked. He looked like he was trying not to laugh.

"Er...yeah," I mumbled, feeling embarrassed. My ears heated up and I could tell without looking that my face was red.

I picked up my drink and took a sip, thankful that the magical ice cubes didn't dilute the limeade. My siblings did the same, picking up their glasses with both hands.

Ryan seemed to enjoy it quite a bit, as he continued taking large gulps from his drink.

Sir Leonard helped open all of the jars for us, and I looked at the one Ryan had selected.

Apricot jam.

"Do you need help Ryan?" I asked, while picking up a butter knife. I took his jar of jam and spread a generous amount of the jam onto a part of his bread.

I held up the bread to his mouth, a hand underneath to catch any crumbs that might drop.

"Say ahhh..."

He opened his mouth and took a big bite.

He looks so cute! Children can be adorable when they aren't making messes.

I remembered my six-year-old niece, who had spilled an entire bag of flour all over my kitchen counters and floor. Luckily I managed to stop her from jumping onto my couch while covered in flour.

Thinking back on it now, I can laugh, but cleaning that mess up was a nightmare.

Kai and Kira each took bites of their own slices of bread after applying the jam.

"Do you want to try another flavor?" I asked Ryan.

He nodded up and down, his mouth still chewing on some bread.

I picked up the jar that I chose, which was blueberry jam, and spread it on another section of his bread. I handed the slice of bread to Ryan and he had another bite.

I took that chance to look at everyone else. Kai and Kira were feeding each other the same way I fed Ryan, and they seemed to be enjoying themselves quietly. Alina was happily chewing away on her bread and what looked like raspberry jam on top. Sir Leonard had finished opening all of the jars and was now savoring some bread with citrus jam smothered on it.

I grabbed a jar of mixed berry jam for myself, and took a bite of my own bread. The sweet and sour taste of the berries filled my mouth, and I nearly cried from how much flavor there was. The crust of the bread was nice and crunchy, but not extremely hard, while the insides were soft and still slightly warm from being taken out of the oven recently.

"Can I try that too?" Ryan asked nervously.

"Of course," I replied, spreading some more jam on his bread.

There wasn't much conversation after that. We all sat around the table, trying out all the different types of jam and enjoying the cool breeze in the air.

When I started to ask if anyone wanted another slice of bread, someone spoke behind me.

"What are you doing here?" the person asked.

I turned around and there I saw Lionel, the second oldest brother in the family, with his arms crossed and eyes glaring at me. 

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